Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

You guys all have stuff like haunter and gengar. But I rarely see any thing on LC pokemon. please let me do it.

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You can do it as loudly as you want! :D
^I finally got it :P I guess humour isn't all that is cracked up to be. Instead, Understanding humour is what it is all cracked up to be :P

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

As of 2021, no. As detailed in this thread, we now only allow experts+ to post LC moveset questions, to keep their formatting consistent and control how often they're posted. If you would like to have an LC moveset thread posted, please ask an active expert, editor or mod on their wall.

1 vote

Yes you are, but only if there is not already a moveset question for the LC pokemon you are looking to get a moveset for, as there are some asked already.
