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English names revealed for June CoroCoro Pokemon

The current version
>Interestingly, Flabébé marks the first time a Pokemon's English name includes an accented character, and only the third time a special character is included (after Nidoran♀ and Nidoran♂) The e-acute adds further ties with France, on which the region Kalos is based.

The suggestion
>Interestingly, Flabébé marks the first time a Pokemon's English name includes an accented character, and only the seventh time a special character is included (after Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Porygon2, Farfetch'd, Mr. Mime and Mime Jr.) The e-acute adds further ties with France, on which the region Kalos is based.

Coul you add those pokemon?

Porygon2 = 2
Farfetch'd = '
Mr. Mime = .
Mime Jr. = .

I Don't think i have to add - because there are 6 pokemon that has it in their name.
Thats all


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What do you mean? Porygon-Z
I think he meant PoryZ was another poke, but it's not because Z is a letter not a different symbol. Just my thoughts, I don't actually know
The Z isn't a special symbol but the dash before it sure is.
And the dash isn't a letter so by definition it would be special. I'd say just scrap the whole thing and only keep the part about the accents being used.

1 Answer

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Those aren't special characters, they are common punctuation.

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The number 2 isn't common punctuation. Just saying. :3
TBH though I do believe Porygon2 does have the 'special character'. I mean, how often would you give your child a name with the number 2 in there? xD
This is Pokemon, not children ;)
Also, look up David Beckham's children, one of them is called "Harper 7".
o_o Oh wow.
She was actually called 'Harper Seven Beckham', just saying. Yet again, it's a good point, I won't argue with that. xD