Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I figure some people want to tell me how great I am, so go ahead! :D

Seriously though, I'd love to hear what you think of the new design, good or bad! Post an answer here to share your thoughts. Please don't use the comments on the question because they get out of hand way too quickly.

If you find an error with the site (something not working right), don't post here, put it in this question instead. Thanks.

You can read more about the new design in the news post here.

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21 Answers

1 vote

Truly, truly, truly, amazing PM. I've been so used the old site it'll be hard to forget, but anyway, thanks for working your butt of for this new site. I love it! You can finally take it easy, just don't overwork yourself. You know that'd be bad.

enter image description here
