Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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1 Answer

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Expert, Editor and Moderator are roles that grant extra powers. They are given to the top contributors in the PokeBase community. Editors and Moderators are considered "staff members" on this site.

Here is a comprehensive list of powers provided by each title. (To be clear: PokeBase auth cannot edit the main website.)

  • Experts can retag and edit any post on any section, even if they do not have the required points.
  • Editors can do all of the above, as well as see hidden posts. They can hide, reshow, close, approve and reject any post, and kick users off chat. They can also access the moderating tools inside the staff-only admin, as well as view special user pages.
  • Moderators can do all of the above, as well as ban users, view and block IP addresses, and view IP address activity logs. They can also promote experts, edit silently, select answers on any question, see who submitted votes and flags, and remove other people's avatars.

Users are promoted based on input from the community, staff members and the site admin Pokemaster, who has the final say over who becomes an editor or mod. Usually, new staff are recommended by existing staff using a public Meta thread, which happens roughly once a year (or longer, depending on our needs).

Active, trusted, and long-term members of the community who make high-quality posts will be promoted*. Staff members need to be responsible and have some skills dealing with people. Points alone are not a major consideration for editors and mods.

As of August 2023, the active staff are Amethyst, Fizz, KRLW890, J™, Silver, sumwun, -RisingManectric-, MonkeyBusiness, and Tensa Zangetsu. You might also come across some others, who drop into the site occasionally -- the full staff list is available here.

Feel free to say hi! Let us know if you need anything, we're here to help. In particular, if there is an issue with another person in this community, please tell us using this thread.

Editors and moderators use Discord to help manage PokeBase. Feel free to contact us there too. If you have been promoted to expert, you are welcome to join our server and use a special experts channel -- DM Fizz for the invite.

* It's also possible to get expert by reaching 6,000 points on the main section. Achieving this will automatically give you editing powers in the main section -- per tradition, we simply give expert to people who reach that goal. However, we are also very interested in promoting people on their merits even if they are not close to 6,000 points -- long-time and good quality contributors benefit from this.

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