I think this is a good idea. :3
I thin that the mods should have the ability to change their usernames all the time, so when they are on chat the chatters won't know who they are, and so the mods will go full on undercover, with really esponiagy spy glasses and can be all 'HA! YOU GOT BUUUURNED' when the chatters do something wrong. And no one would have ever knoooooown... >:)
And then, these mods with aliases would have the ability to have two profiles - their alias' profile and their real profile. Whenever they're on chat, they can put on their alias profile (and it would totally mess up, let alone just clear the profile) so anyone who decides to visit a seemingly-new-user won't be fooled by the many years the new user had been on the site.
Do you get it? Then all the mods would be like one of those really awesome spies with really cool spy glasses! :D

Any helpful opinions? :3