Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Simply put, make it a little more like the Showdown server.
I feel like the older DB users go on the Showdown server because of all the commands and because the admins always add new things to it.
Ive seen some suggestions to add specific commands to the chat room (eg.) and i want to know, are you (Pokemaster) willing to add any commands at all?

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I'm not sure. It might be good, but it might just defeat the point of the chat room. Some people go on the chat room instead of the DB server lobby chat because they prefer the features  of the chat room to the DB server lobby chat. Maybe. I'm not sure
80% of the people who go on the DB chat dont even know the Showdown server exists.
The older DB users go to showdown to avoid the new ones.

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