Keeping the chat room under control has been a prominent issue in the community for a while now, and we are still in need of solutions. I want to start the discussion again with another potential feature that could reduce the amount of squabbles/arguments that happen on the chat room -- I'm sure you've read what that is!
The suggestion to add minimum requirements for access to the chat room started on Discord. I observed over time that a fair few problems on the chat room centre around people who signed up to the site recently and start using the chat room very quickly, without integrating with the community first e.g. using the Q&A. I suggested to experts+ that a points requirement could help with that, and it evolved into a discussion about making a requirement that accounts are at least 7 days old before they can use chat.
I/we believe adding this feature would improve the experience on the chat room in a number of ways:
- It is a strong mechanism against basic problems like scam/advert/SEO spam and alt account abuse. These things do occur and need to be intercepted by staff as things stand.
- It nudges new users toward the Q&A aspect of the community first. This means that any person who uses the chat room will at least be familiar with some regulars and the "properness" of the platform that we aim for. (In general, if the main aspect of our community is the Q&A, then that should probably be the focus for new users.)
- It means that any person using the chat will have a vested interest in our community that lasted for at least a week. I think this favours people who will participate in good faith and weeds out the people who are only here to cause trouble.
- Many of the people who cause problems on chat are clearly young kids, who get hooked on its interactivity. You would expect that having them sit through a week of the Q&A first (where all their posts are pre-moderated) would put a damper on their interest, and at worst, forewarn us of what could happen in a week's time.
- The 7-day approach means existing users who frequent the chat room won't be locked out if they aren't using the Q&A.
We want to know the wider community's thoughts on this feature, and obviously Pokemaster's opinions too. Do you think this would be a good addition to the chat room?
We would also like to gauge some opinions on points as a requirement for accessing the chat room. In our discussion, we decided that points alone would not be an ideal solution as they could lock regulars out of the chat room. However, they could work in conjuction with the 7-day requirement as an alternative method for accessing the chat room, i.e. "To use the chat room, your account must be 7 days old, or you must have >100 points." This would help keen new users access the chat room sooner. Would this be a better compromise?
Of course, we would also very much appreciate a response from Pokemaster indicating whether he would add this feature.
Thanks for reading!