Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Hey so you know how Smogon has a Webzine? Could we have a Pokemon DB Webzine ?
But instead of competitive Pokemon around the clock like Smogon, we could have a Pokemon DB style kind of one.
Like debatable questions and users' opinions on it.
EG: How does it feel to be in a Pokeball? Or How on earth does Kangaskhan hatch with a kid when its a baby itself?
Also a fan fiction sort of thing and an update on unanswered questions on the Pokebase like the safari code and changes in speech.

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1 Answer

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Already in the works, we are just a bit lazy.

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It's not that we're lazy it's that we're waiting for the forums to go up because that will work far better than the current DB format does for a webzine.


I will also contribute 23 articles on Emolga.
^^^^ Then I will say emolga sucks on all of them :'D
I look forward to it, Fondant :3
Sorry for late comment.
What Kijani said. I'm actually going to edit the articles and add one in a little bit, and Kijani came up with a nice little system we can use :)