Disclaimer! I will be treading thin ice here, and I mean no offense to any moderator or member so please do not ban me because this is an honest question.
So, I noticed a few months ago that some mods (I will not name names) have used their power unfairly. I noticed this first when I asked my first question on the DB. I asked it, proofread it and sent it in... within a minute, it was flagged, and suddenly the chat lit up saying things like "That was a perfectly fine question." and "Why would you flag it?" This mod (who I know the name of but will not use) promptly unflagged it without an apology, then when I asked why they flagged it, they stated "Just leave it alone and stop talking about it!"
Another example was a few months back, I said the word Bish (As a suitable replacement for the b-word (Haha lol at this part). Anyways, a mod (who I still have the became of) told me not to avoid it and just say it, so I did and they kicked me.... Even though they told me to say it!
And finally, we mentioned this to mods (Again I have names) and we asked about it, band one of the mods used very innapropriate language that actually really hurt me and NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM! These words were against my religion and used very disgusting words with it! No ban, no kick, nothing. Then when another user and I confronted him about it, we ended up cracking a joke about our native country, and the other user (who I will not use the name of) got kicked, within minutes of the mod said very rude things!
We ended up asking if there was a rule for mods etc., but they denied doing anything wrong!
I hope none of you are offended, and I also hope you all take this in to consideration.
Is there anything you can do about this?
I hope I don't get banned because of this, and I hope you listen. I don't want anybody to be mad at me either... So please think calmly about this from a concerned user!