Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Like i copied a part of the info of a site, is that allowed?

Yeah, that's why the >quote things exist.

1 Answer

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Yes. Many users, including myself, copy-paste quotes from Bulbapedia, Serebii or even other answers on here to help support the point we bring across in our answers.

However, copy-pasting an answer word for word and adding nothing and making it your own is big plagiarism and debunks all of the work the original user put into their answer.

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Can I just say that copying even part of something and then passing it off as your own, i.e. not indenting it, not putting quotes around it, not sourcing it, is still plagiarism. It doesn't matter how much you copied, if you copied something, source it or you're plagiarising.
I'm now picturing Bulbapedia contributors to be University professors sitting next to a fireplace in their plush chair, smoking a pipe and reading classic literature:

"...Professor, come quick!"
"What is it? Don't you know you have to schedule an appointment to meet with me?"
"But sir, it's an emergency..."
"Out with it, then!"
"Somebody forgot to source your work on the 'ContestShipping' page!"

He then drops his glass of scotch in shock:

"...Get me on the phone with Pokemaster. Now."