Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I thought it was Normal. Shows up as Fighting in the Move Learned for Generation 1 Pokemon.

Yes it was. And it is mentioned here btw:

1 Answer

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Karate Chop was a Normal type move in gen I, but it still shows up as a fighting type under "moves learned in generation I", and so do all the moves the got changed throughout the generations. (It shows the current gen's info on the move)

See how Charm and Sweet Kiss are Fairy type moves?

So yes, it was a Normal type move but this isnt an error on the site. Thanks for reporting though ;)

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This also occurs with Pokemon with their types - Sabrina had Mr. Mime in Gen I, and according to the site it's Psychic-Fairy rather than just Psychic. It was reported a while ago, I'm not sure if it's fixed or not.