Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Sorry I can't phrase this any better, but I need to understand something. I am the same person as user ' maggotmoshpit98' and I have been 'blocked'. Without warning. Another mod called me a quote 'dumbass' and I want them to be punished btw. Anyways, what's the diff between "blocked" and "banned"? Also, if this is a duplicate account send me a link with the rule(s) I'm breaking so I can clear them up. Also, when can I expect to be "unblocked"? I am ready to renter this forum as a non troll and and a helpful and responsible citizen. You have my thanks in advance.

You were banned for spamming, being a general cockroach, and insulting Fizz, which hurts our Aussie pride and patriotism. I'm pretty sure that comes under the category of "dumbass" so I think we should give the mod a cookie instead.
^ the worst kind of death. :(
Consumption by Shrieking Koalas is also very painful. It lasts for a whole 25 minutes more than Death by Kangaroo.
So blocked is the same as banned?
Also user shinning yin used called me a dumbass I want him here he has brains. I want forgiveness n my priveliges back
No forgiveness, no privileges. We'll find someone to ban you as soon as we can be bothered to get off our lazy butts.

1 Answer

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I'll answer your query about duplicate accounts (I'll leave a mod to answer why you were blocked; also this is an answer because links look ugly in comments).

This is the reason why duplicate accounts are banned.
and this explains why having duplicate accounts is pointless even if you don't exploit them.

Also, being banned/ blocked/ kicked means that you did something wrong, and therefore having a duplicate account means you're attempting to get around your punishment for whatever you did.

Edit from Fizz:

  1. As Semp mentioned in the comments, you were banned for spamming, flaming and trolling with full knowledge of it not being allowed.
  2. When a user is as toxic as Maggotmoshpit was, they are banned immediately with no warning. Better to remove them before they cause more problems.
  3. Maggotmoshpit, most likely, will not be unblocked.
  4. I see no reason to trust you. For all we know, you could be coming back to appeal your ban and continue damaging the site. Your profile page supports this; you're already filled it with offensive language.
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So banned is the same as blocked?
And thank u for your time
Yes it's the same. People choose to call it different things.
Kicked is not the same, to be clear, but blocked and banned are the same thing.