Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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If I am correct, you are automatically experted at 6,000 points, but there are some users with 6,000+ points and are still not experts. Why?

Any users besides Terlor or Gligurr who fit this? I just promoted Terlor, and Gligurr is banned for abuse of editing powers.
It was Silverdragon :D too, but that's been fixed.
I think there are more...
Speed Freak, Swampert and Josh all have 18000+ points but lack the expert status

1 Answer

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Expert is a title that Moderators give out to users once they reach 6000k points. The logical reasoning behind this is that most of those users were from back where Pokemaster handpicked Experts and all, so that explains why the titles weren't distributed to certain users. I have gave Expert to the users who lacked the title.

6,000 points gives you editing powers, but until a mod gives them the expert title, they're still technically a regular user.

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are you serious, i had no idea, and I've been here for 3 years! o.0
Oh, that explains it! Thanks!
Also I believe if your banned you lose being an expert, this has happened before to users such as Shinyfire and Gligurr.
What if you have been banned before?
Mod's discretion at that point. Expert isn't a major deal anyway, so as long as said person isn't constantly breaking rules anymore and the original ban wasn't too severe. I imagine it's more or less this, please do correct me if I'm wrong though.
Yeah, banned users lose their Expert privileges. And if you were banned and unbanned, you're pretty much not getting Expert again.
Soo if we were banned before and then we got expert we couldn't get expert (If that makes sense)
Additionally users who have become inactive, such as myself, no longer have expert title, similar to when a editor or moderator becomes inactive and are demoted based on their activity.