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5 votes

I don't know if a post like this has been posted already but. Is the DB hiring moderators, the DB really should choose new mods out of the non-toxic active users. The chat is really messed up (People talk about sex, mas-- you know what i'm going to say don't you? and other stuff like that) and imo not a safe place for New Users to come. Everyone completely seems to ignore/bash the newbies.

Just saying please don't get mad:
imo somebody like Astro (Doctor Disco) or PX (AreWeFreshYet?) Should be given the privilege to moderate chat. PX is always seen to be following rules and telling ppl to obey them.

Astro is rarely on chat, I've only seen once a week
Oh lord the Chat room >.<
Also I'm trying to be more active @Dragoon, but usually when I come on it's dead :P I can come on more often if need be.
we don't bash newbies. and we don't exactly ignore them.

and i'm not trying to be rude here, but i don't at all think PX should be moderator. he's not even editor.

Also i literally just saw you (kero) act really rude in chat.
Out of curiosity… are fizz and Mew the only active mods right now?
I mean active on chat, Fizz and Mew are not even on chat that much. Mike is sometimes. But PX kinda deserves it, forget the fact he's not editor, THIS IS URGENT. And you're just protecting chat. We do ignore newbies, atleast Sapph. She claims she doesn't care about them. I was being rude? I was trying to prove a point I think and I made this post because I'm tired of everyone bashing on me even though I'm not the one who asks people to marry him and then say weird stuff (Cough Seraph Cough)
I do not condone me being promoted yet. Or at all. I'm still having issues with my autism and bipolar disorder, and skipping editor to moderator is unheard of. Now, if I was offered editor, I wouldn't turn it down. I'd accept it and work as best as possible. But I doubt the current auth wants me as an Editor and I'm not fit for moderator anyway, even if it were on the table.

Chat is difficult to maintain I agree, but it's inactve usually anyway. I think moderation is less the issue and more people's attitudes. If we can just agree to stay on appropriate topics and not ack like a'holes (I'm not directing that at anyone, other than myself :P)

Thanks for suggesting me though, I'm flattered.
MovesetBot went straight to mod
Yes but that's because he hacked the site and blackmailed PM.
I never said I don't care about newbies? I just don't usually talk to people I'm not already friends with.
he has a point...
You're kidding right? We don't have a lack of moderators. There's 6 right now (or more, I only know of 6) and at least 2-3 are active. Chat is crazy because you guys make it crazy. We don't need more Moderators to keep Chat under control, Editors can do that just fine.

And I love PX, I really do, but in all honesty I do not think he should be a Moderator.
Why should we care about newbies if they don't contribute to the site? As long as they're not being bullied or anything, we should be fine.
Because not everyone comes to this site to contribute. Some just come for the heck of it. Besides you never know, the next newbie might be exactly what the site needs.

Tbh new auth is not urgent, not at the moment anyway. It really is the same set of people on chat every time, so you can convince each other to talk sensible topics, and try to involve newcomers. At the very least don't be d-bags. If anything gets unruly that report option is always there.
Sorry but I had to get my point out. I know we don't lack mods but we lack mods on CHAT. It is urgent.
If the chat is unruly, why not report it to the mods? Provide screenshots and have them rain down judgment from the mighty Olympus. If a warning/temp ban don't stop the toxic a permaban might be in place. There are plenty of active mods, but they can't be on chat 24/7, regardless of how many auth there are.
Flaf, it's not necessarily rule breaking, just really unsettled and sometimes over the top to the point of it being quite...distasteful. Users tend to repel other users, and no one ever really listens to one another.
Sometimes the only reason that the topic drifts to that kind of inappropriate material is only because one joke can escalate to a whole discussion on the subject, usually it  starts with one person. Maybe just add "Try not to discuss inappropriate things" in the chat room rules.
alpha that rule is already there "be civil to others" I hate it when people in chat tell me to shut up and they think it's not rude, but when I say shut up to someone it automatically becomes rude.
What you could do instead of having a moderator on chat is that there could be this one guy (let's call him the 'eye in the sky') who just looks over chat and reports any mischief causer. Anyone can take up that responsibility, maybe even you. You could become your own moderators.
How does it sound?

PS.- By that I do not mean mini-modding.
Like I said, it's not really a single or even multiple users who specifically break rules or cause mischief. It's a general, distasteful and negative attitude people seem to the on chat. I personally don't see the server chat being any better either, but the age/account age difference means they're handled in different ways. I'm not actually opposed to one or two more peopel being able to legitimately tell people when to stop a subject, but the problem lies more in the attitude than lack of moderation/reporting users.
In response to kero: Being civil to each other means not being rude/ cuss at someone in particular you used saying shut up as an example. But I was suggesting that instead you say just downright say "don't post inappropriate content" or something along that line.
Wow,  chat has really gone to hell...
Well then, absolutely nothing can be done from our side.
By our side you mean non-auth members? Isn't that kind of the point of this post e.e?
I meant any outsider to chat, auth or not. We can't change their attitudes, they'll have to do that themselves.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Our moderation team is active in all other aspects of the site. We edit, we approve, and we ban those spam accounts. However we are not active on chat for the sole reason that the group of veteran Database users have migrated to the Showdown server for chatting purposes, since it also gives us the ability to battle whenever.

It also wouldn't do much good for moderators to be more active based on what you are saying is going on in the chat. I know I certainly would not do anything outside of porn or gore being posted, or egregious examples of bullying.

If any of those things do happen, go to the Pokemon Showdown server. You can often find a mod or editor there to police the chat for a time.

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The problems on the server and the chat are similar, the difference is the younger users don't know how to deal with differences in humour and the line on 'poking fun' and 'bullying' are too slim. I've noticed that, being pretty much the only 'veteran' user still regularly using chat. The absence of the older users is part of the reason chat is like this, there aren't many people to keep chat on track or explain what's reasonable and what isn't. I've been mini-modding a bit too much I know, but it's hard to watch quietly when chat devolves.

I'm not for or against promoting authority, editor, mods or whatever. I still think it's a community/attitude change which can be somewhat alleviated if a little more attention is paid and better examples set.