Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Hey so it's flare...
Been 2 years
Uh yh
I forgot my password
Then I forgot my email
And yh here I am... Can someone like delete my flare account cus you know I have this now

Idek why I didn't come on sooner I was just really busy. It was actually kinda touching to see what friends wrote on my wall.
Thanks you :3

I actually don't remember if this is allowed on the meta section but there

Not sure if this is allowed, can a Mod confirm/deny if okay?
I never understood why anybody would want their account deleted.
I don't see a problem with this. It's focused on the email/password issue and account deletion.
As stated below, your account won't be deleted. Pokemaster may be able to help restore your access to the account. If you want to use this account, we could block your main account, but I don't think that's the optimal way to deal with this.
Also welcome back!!
Also consider the fact that (I think) we have no way to prove that you're not just a troll who wants to get somebody's account deleted.
Well mods can check and see if it's the same IP address or email or something, right?
The IPs match.
Hey fizz, I think if pm was able to restore my old account that would be great cus I can't post on anyone's wall with this account...
Welcome back flare :)
Hi Flare! :)
So happy you're back btw. Stupid happy.

Also you need points to be able to wall post. 30 per section. Just ask/answer like one question and you'll be able to wall post.
Hey guys :')
Yh PX I'll do that :)
If the IPs match, somebody could have broken into Flare's house without the real Flare noticing...

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Well... hey! Nice to see you're back! It's always pretty great to see new users come back, so welcome back!

Anyway, greetings aside, introductions to the site (or reintroductions) are to the best of my knowledge, not allowed in meta. Meta is reserved just for site discussion, so your post doesn't fit in here. I'd advise saying hi and reintroducing yourself in chat, or if you have certain people you want to say hi to, post on their wall.

And to answer your question, accounts can't be deleted at all. If your account was deleted, the site would lose all the activity you had on here, and that wouldn't be great for it. Instead, ask one of the mods to block your old account, and tell them your situation. I guess you did that here, though, so that's out of the way!

Anyway, nice to see you back here, hope you have a good time!

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