Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I sometimes see questions that ask for two things that have been asked for already, just in two separate questions. An example of a question that I've seen recently was asking for all of the Pokemon that are based off of foxes and wolves. There's already a question that asked for all of the Pokemon based off of foxes, and, despite there not being one, let's assume that there's also already a question that asked for all of the Pokemon that are based off of wolves. In that case, would a question asking for all of the Pokemon based off of foxes and wolves be allowed?

Good question. I'll leave the official response to Pokemaster, but I personally wouldn't hide a post like that. I don't think it's helpful to anybody to blur the line of what counts as a "duplicate" question, and I don't think there are enough instances of this to where it would present a particular problem either.

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Technically that particular question wasn't an exact duplicate because there isn't another question on wolves.

But in general - if a question has been fully answered already, even if in multiple questions, I'd say that counts as a duplicate and is against the rules.

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So that it's clear what we should enforce here: would a post count as a duplicate if it was already answered on a very high quantity of different posts? If someone were to ask, "where can I find EV-reducing berries in S/M?", would we take that down if there were already six posts that each asked about one particular berry? I just think it would suck to enforce a message like this on a post of that type: "sorry, your question broke the rules because you didn't go and check six individual threads before posting". Nobody wins here.