Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

A lot of the times users get flagged for repeat questions when sometimes they didn't know the question had previously been asked. Obviously, sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes I see users getting flagged for repeats of obscure questions that are hard to find.

I don't want to attack the admins obviously, because they're making sure the rules are in place. I just thought it was an interesting idea. I don't know how to execute it well, but I think it's worth thinking about.

honestly there's no penalty to having a question closed. If you used the search function or google and couldn't find the question you were looking for, you can either ask someone (probably an active expert or editor) or just ask the question and if it gets closed then so be it, there's no issue with that.
One misconception I think a lot of new users (and maybe some old users too) fall for is that getting a question flagged and closed is inherently a bad thing, when it’s really not. Yeah, we understand that you didn’t realize it was already asked, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have re-asked it, but the information you’re looking for is already available on another question, so there’s no reason to keep the new one up.
Of course, if the thread we link doesn’t answer your question, be sure to leave a comment telling us why. If it’s just that the old question is missing information on new Gens, we’ll probably just add that to the old answer, since we like to keep all the information in one place. But there are times where we’ll reopen your question.
oh ok, thanks to both of you for helping me understand. I thought getting flagged before was some sort of punishment before but I guess not. Thanks!

1 Answer

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Best answer

honestly there's no penalty to having a question closed. If you used the search function or google and couldn't find the question you were looking for, you can either ask someone (probably an active expert or editor) or just ask the question and if it gets closed then so be it, there's no issue with that.

- PX ™

One misconception I think a lot of new users (and maybe some old users too) fall for is that getting a question flagged and closed is inherently a bad thing, when it’s really not. Yeah, we understand that you didn’t realize it was already asked, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have re-asked it, but the information you’re looking for is already available on another question, so there’s no reason to keep the new one up.
Of course, if the thread we link doesn’t answer your question, be sure to leave a comment telling us why. If it’s just that the old question is missing information on new Gens, we’ll probably just add that to the old answer, since we like to keep all the information in one place. But there are times where we’ll reopen your question.

- KRLW890

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thanks! :)