Meta-PokéBase Q&A
19 votes

Recently, there’s been a lot of stuff ongoing in the database. From new user drama to trolls, one user has been there consistently to help ensure the safety and security of the users and the site itself. That user is none other than our beloved moderator Fizz. Whenever there’s doubt in the community, insecurity, uncertainty, Fizz has proven time after time again that he’s capable of being a true leader by showing us the way, and telling us how to progress safely and surely. He takes charge when needed, and doesn’t hesitate to make or break rules for the better of our community. Fizz is always sure to include members of the Staff Discord in his ideas, running them by each of us, and takes his time to listen to the ideas and concerns of us all. If the majority is in agreement, Fizz implements it. He has shown his consideration time after time again, and is dubbed the “top mod” by the community.

Now, why don’t we make that title official?

While PM is away, the trolls will play. No one actually said that, but the point is, there’s always stuff ongoing in the community, and sometimes it sucks while waiting for PM to implement IP range bans, promotions, updates, and more. A prime example of this was when Hellfire Taco made a metapost asking PM to IP range ban Josh Kool, an infamous troll from the site. Lately, there’s been situations on the site where this might need to be requested again, and surely, there will be in the future. Instead of mods having to make meta posts for requests, wouldn’t it be easier to just ask Fizz to do it in the staff server? Fizz has shown us he has a great sense of judgement and never acts too early or too late in important situations.

Fizz has also been in charge of Promotions since at least 2017. As shown, he pays attention to those who contribute and takes notes when more help is needed in the community. And Pokemaster.. Well.. to put it bluntly, you have a history of being inactive. Last promotions took two months to implement, and sometimes I question if you even really acknowledge the effort users put into the site and ensuring it’s quality, due to your inactivity. With that, I believe you trust Fizz’s judgment too. When looking through posts, I can’t see a shred of doubt from you regarding Fizz’s choices.

It’s been acknowledged that the site is quite out of date and incorrect on a few pages. Having a user with the ability to edit pages and announcements will help keep the site accurate with the latest news and information, and will probably keep the workload for PM easier and more manageable. This would work especially well because of how much Fizz knows about the site and people’s suggestions for it.

I’ve personally felt for a long time that Fizz should have more abilities to further enhance the capabilities of the site, as the top mod and your right hand. I asked Fizz how he felt about being promoted, and he said he’d be honoured to have that role and is ready for the responsibility associated. There’s no better person to be an admin or Pokemaster’s right hand. I’d like to address your possible concern with giving Fizzypoo more power on the site. In DM to me, he said,

“but i think if pm was willing to give admin powers to somebody, he'd already have done it at some point. admin powers give access to a lot of settings that are possibly risky in the hands of people you don't really know. i know if i was running something like this i'd be stingy as well.”

If you are worried about giving Fizz Super Administrator powers, why not create a custom role for him with the abilities you feel comfortable sharing? I’m not too sure how that would work, but I (and others), firmly believe that the pros of making a custom role for Fizz to do more on the site most certainly outweigh the cons. Fizz will most certainly make the most of his abilities, and I’m positive he will exceed everyone’s expectations. At any time you feel he deserves more or less, edit the role to said adjustments.

Other points worth mentioning

Fizz has been mod for like a decade
Fizz genuinely cares about the community, proven in
Fizz is extremely trustworthy
Fizz is updated on basically everything that happens on the site because he is so active, allowing him to be able to act upon users requests for the site.

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Pretty sure this has been brought up before.

Some possible concerns to think about:

-If fizz is an admin, will PM be clearing everything he does, or will fizz have complete autonomy? Too much red tape may render the promotion moot.

-Will PM step down and hand the "reins" to fizz? If this happens, will fizz have enough time to do everything, or will we be in the same boat?

-Assuming PM remains in full control of the site, and fizz is directly under him, will they be able to handle all of the issues without major conflict? (Can they work peacefully together?)

-Does fizz have the necessary programming knowledge to keep up with the site?

-Is the site capable of having two distinct users with full control over it? (I know nothing about programming. This is undoubtedly a stupid concern, but I'm raising it anyway)

-Are all of the experts/editors/any remaining and active mods okay with this proposal? Do we have any other candidates? Is fizz really the best choice from among them?

-Do we have a direction that PM wants the site to take? Is fizz in agreement with this direction?

I've been absent from the site for more than a year at this point. I know next to nothing about the current state of affairs, but as always it looks like PM has more on his plate than he can handle. I am in support of more users with more direct control over the site, just like I've always been.
I'm pretty sure that PM won't step down totally. Might just want any of them to comment on this.
Thanks for writing this TY and everyone for supporting it. Reading it was nice :)
I was going to leave it alone, but I should speak on a few things in case PM does actually consider doing this.

I'd be very happy to take up the Admin role on PokeBase if PM + the staff were OK with that. In general, I think having somebody in the community with admin powers has a lot of benefits (and several aside from the ones already mentioned in this post). But as I said in that DM, the role would also give me unfettered access to the admin, where I could change PokeBase in pretty much any way I wanted. Try this to see what I mean:
Giving me access to those extra settings wouldn't make sense unless PM was willing to (effectively) hand this community over to me. I'd take some features (e.g. plugins, themes) to be off-limits unless I was given permission, and obviously I'd want the process to be as collaborative as possible. But it'd be understandable if PM didn't want a stranger controlling any of the options at all.
Also, I'm assuming this does not involve me having any access to PokemonDB proper. I actually do have meaningful experience with databases and web development now, but I'd much rather Pokemaster go through with this: (and maybe expand it to include user-contributed ability, move, etc descriptions).
And I don't expect to have a new role created just for me, that would involve some very heavy customisations.
Wait I was always under the impression that an Admin was someone whose main job was to edit the site only...
Whoops terrible misconception, sorry :[, I'm on board with this suggestion now :].
Bump??? Look at the name change thread

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