Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I'm not sure how else to put it. Say, you find a great question in pokebase that you don't even know the answer to. That's either not being answered or not getting much hype; is there anything you can do to help it out?

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If it's not answered it'll show up in the unanswered bar which tends to attract some attention from people who like to answer questions, or those who are curious.
It's too bad there's not like a "retweet" type thing or some sort of lifeline.
Do you mean an upvote...?
I think making a bump comment is allowed (or is that only allowed in Meta?)
If you want to use a comment to bump up a post on the grounds of the existing answer being unsatisfactory, then by all means go ahead (you could also ask someone like myself if it would be appropriate to hide). Otherwise the "unanswered" list deals with this fine as mentioned, no need to bump for any other reason. If you just think the post is good, go ahead and vote it up -- that will give it some distinction.
Just comment or edit it, I guess? It will show it in the recent activity tab.

1 Answer

0 votes

Not really, no. If there is no answer then it will appear in the "Unanswered" tab, which is always a good place to go if you're looking for questions to answer.
