Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Currently, the results when searching for something, as far as I could figure out, don't seem to be sorted in any specific way. For example, if you simply search "Pokemon", as you can see from the screenshot below, none of the results seem to be in a specific order.
I think that it could be useful if we were able to sort questions from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, most views, most votes, etc.

Also, it would be useful if we could sort things in in "All questions" and "All answers" section of a user's profile and while looking at questions that are tagged in whatever tag a user may or may not be searching for.

a minor suggestion but being able to filter stuff based off username would be cool too, currently the search also includes usernames with the search so being able to exclude that might be useful
commented 1 day ago by Lenny

Include searching and sorting among tags and users.
commented 1 day ago by A Geeky Jawa

I thought I should add these two suggestions, to my suggestion, as they are both good.

edited by
a minor suggestion but being able to filter stuff based off username would be cool too, currently the search also includes usernames with the search so being able to exclude that might be useful
I second this.
This would be super great, the search function always annoyed me a bit
Include searching and sorting among tags and users.
completely agree with this. dunno why i never thought to suggest this since i get this problem basically every other day. I am CONSTANTLY annoyed by it. +1
Also agree with what Lenny said.

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