This is going to be the first of a few posts I’m going to make regarding our rules system and how we might be able to make some changes that will sustain this site going forward.
I think it’s pretty well known around here that this site’s activity has been waning of late. General activity and interest in this site has dropped a ton since our peak years in 2012 to 2014, and in turn the dynamic of this site has changed a lot. This calls for us to discuss how we can stop this site completely stagnating in the near future.
The way I see it, the biggest factor in sustaining PokeBase long-term is going to be our rules and quality control. I’ve been working on something for a long time that will hopefully address this idea in detail, but before we get to that, I want to ask you all...
Can we make opinionated content work on this site?
Again, as with my last post, bear with me: don’t turn your nose up at the concept just because that’s how we’ve always done it. The point of me doing this at all is to question our traditions and promote progression. Without that, we stagnate and interest drops as we’ve seen for the past few years. We should be open-minded to new content for this site.
As with my last post, I want to make some distinctions between different types of content. If you’re not one for the analysis and wordiness, the salient point of my discussion is this: opinionated posts perhaps aren’t the problem, and the current ‘polls/opinions’ rule is missing the point.
Before I get into this, I want to make it very clear what kinds of questions I’m talking about. Many opinionated questions are super trivial and low-quality, like ‘What is a good nickname for Charizard?’ I’ll make it clear now: I’m not advocating for crap like this to be allowed, and I don’t believe floury questions of that sort will ever have a place here.
But it’s very easy to lump an interesting question like, ‘Is capturing Pokémon ethical?’ into the same category on the basis of both being opinionated. This is the restrictive approach of our rules system — is it really in our interest? This question isn’t low quality and would bring some fresh ideas to the site. This is why I want to entertain allowing some of these posts.
There’s a clear obstacle here though, which is that this question doesn’t fit our traditional structure where it should be possible to resolve a question with one answer. But once again, I’m challenging traditions like this: is this really a bad thing? A question like the one I gave above will eventually be exhausted of new ideas to bring up, unlike a truly ‘open-ended’ question. Then it can be moderated like the rest of our posts, where any answer that doesn’t add new ideas will be removed. Our current structure doesn’t have to be the only one that works.
The way I’m seeing it right now, some opinionated questions (i.e. no clear answer) aren’t ‘open-ended’ like we try to prevent, but will clearly have more longevity than the majority of our content. Once again, I think a separate decision needs to be made here. Is this something we can allow here, does it give precedence for other super low-quality questions to exist? Does it clash with our platform too much?
Of course, if we revise the current ‘opinion/polls’ rule, we’ll need to replace it with something more particular to the stuff we still don’t want. Keeping the part about polls would probably keep a lot of the shallow stuff away, and adding a part about purely open-ended posts will help us maintain the structure of our site. Maybe add a part about vague wording for good measure, and I think there’s a workable solution if we’re willing to allow this new content.
Thoughts? I’m not convinced of either perspective personally, so I’m curious to know everyone else thinks. I encourage some responses as answers instead of comments, as I think this will make a better discussion.
Thanks JarJar for being a massive bother to moderate pushing this idea enough I’d make a post from it.