Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes
  • Whenever someone says you’re name, their comment gets highlighted
  • Be able to delete your comments. Sometimes I accidentally paste random things I copied earlier and it’s a real eyesore
  • Give the Chat Room a mascot. (Chatot. I stole this idea from SYL btw)
  • Make the most active users on chat be able to ban/kick users. Not become a mod or anything, more like just people that can enforce the rules, because mods/editors/experts are almost never on chat. [(Except PX, hellfire taco, and maybe even sumwun (?)]
  • Be able to make a status message next to your name instead of “idle” or just nothing. (Ex. Brb, hi, or a time and date for the next time they’ll be on)

That’s about it please tell me one by one why these are all terrible ideas.

EDIT: Seems like number 2 and 4 were bad ideas. Here's new ones:
- Block users on chat (you don't see their messages anymore. They don't get banned or anything, though. Mainly just for spammers, and a simaler idea to #4)
- When you type :) it changes into a smiley face icon (like on Discord)
- You can favorite people's comments, and the comments you favorited can be seen on your wall
- You can "friend" users
- You can have a seperate name on Chat then on Database. Your database name will be in parenthasees next to your name. Ex. Pewdify (EvilTwinNeedle) You now have nickname fields, and can change both during name changing season. Either name will be highlighted when spoken by a different user. (Just on your screen, though.)
- Be able to DM people. So, ATM if user you'd like to talk to is offline, you have to post on their wall, which is problematic because a.) People don't check their wall that often b.) You can only post on walls a limited number of times per hour and c.) Some users disallowed new posts on their wall (like FlappersFlappers). You'll get a notification when you log back in saying "SeeYaLater messaged: Hi is you going whit udder ppl 2 da playce?" or something like that. OK that message was a troll please don't be offended SYL.

Please tell me why these ideas are 100% awful and why you're just barely stopping yourself from downvoting

edited by
... you mean Boomburst right
Lol why me :P
I just want to see Gravatars tbh :P
Someone hid my answer but it doesn't say who
That’s what happens when we click ‘reject’. It’s because people used to get really upset at whoever’s name showed up on their post.
I did this because the answer doesn’t contribute much -- it’s just a list of people.

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