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I don't exactly know what it is. Do I have bad wifi, or is the site updating, or.... Uh.... What is happening?

closed with the note: This question is receiving spam answers from SEO abusers.
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I get that a lot too
nginx usually comes after it with something along the lines of 10.3.1. Something something
that happened a few times to me, as well. unless it's really causing problems, (completely blocking you out) it's probably something that PM did. he's probably working on another part of the site, and this is just a ripple effect. It should be fine eventually.

Or, I could be completely wrong, and everything is going to crash.
Its the iluminarti
Where did you see this error? On which page?
I saw it yesterday while I went backwards to the last page I was on. I believe it was "Recent Activity" on Pokebase. It fixed when I navigated there a different way...

Edit: I've seen it again, although I don't know why. It happened when I went to the other spin offs page :P

1 Answer

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Best answer

So it turns out a search engine known as Google somehow exists...

While not probable, it is possible that there's something wrong on your end, in which case we'll look at some things you can try:
1. Reload the web page. You can do that by clicking the refresh/reload button, pressing F5 or Ctrl-R, or trying the URL again from the address bar.
Even if the 500 Internal Server Error is a problem on the web server, the issue might just be temporary. Trying the page again will often be successful.
Note: If the 500 Internal Server Error message appears during the checkout process at an online merchant, be aware that duplicate attempts to checkout may end up creating multiple orders - and multiple charges! Most merchants have automatic protections from these kinds of actions, but it's still something to keep in mind.
2. Clear your browser's cache. If there's a problem with the cached version of the page you're viewing, it could be causing HTTP 500 issues.
Note: Internal Server Errors are not often caused by caching issues, but I have, on occasion, seen the error go away after clearing the cache. It's such an easy and harmless thing to try, so don't skip it.
3. Delete your browser's cookies. Some 500 Internal Server Error issues can be corrected by deleting the cookies associated with the site you're getting the error on.
After removing the cookie(s), restart the browser and try again.
4. Troubleshoot as a 504 Gateway Timeout error instead.
It's not very common, but some servers produce a 500 Internal Server Error when in reality 504 Gateway Timeout is a more appropriate message based on the cause of the problem.
5. Contacting the website directly is another option. There's a good chance that the site's administrators already know about the 500 error, but if you suspect they don't, letting them know helps both you and them (and everyone else).
6. Come back later. Unfortunately, at this point, the 500 Internal Server Error is no doubt a problem outside of your control that will eventually get fixed by someone else.

Note: I also used to have these kinds of errors, and just refreshing the page should work whenever this happens. If not, come back in an hour or 2. I'm not PM, so I'm not sure what's going around with the server.

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SYL please BA this
Lol this gave me more information then I needed to have. :P
I know how to refresh it. It is not causing problems to me that much. I just wanted to know what it was.