Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

It is really annoying not knowing why you get downvoted, since then you can't fix your answer to make it better and learn more. Only 7/17 downvotes I have, I know how I got. This site helps people learn, and we wont learn if we don't know why we were downvoted. I think everytime you downvote someone you need to fill out a quick form explaining why you did so. Then the answer to the form will become a comment on the donvoted answer/question.

You should add flagging to this. +1
This can also help be an anti-spam measure, so that people who want to downvote for little to no reason can be more easily caught.
Nobody wants the amount of petty conflicts this would cause. That enough is reason to keep downvotes anonymous.
This is a good idea

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

No posts about downvotes/flagging: If you lose a few points or receive downvotes, please don't start threads on it. First, make sure your post is correct and doesnt break any rules on this page. Otherwise, just accept that sometimes people will downvote/flag a post incorrectly. In the grand scheme of things a few downvotes makes no difference.

From the rules. The main point is that it really doesn't matter if you get downvoted.

It is really annoying not knowing why you get downvoted, since then you can't fix your answer to make it better and learn more.

I appreciate the wholesome sentiment behind this, but the crux of the issue is that such a system would
1. Burden users of the site
Just a pain.
2. Potentially counterproductive.
Adding barriers to voting people DISINCENTIVES downvoting. People are less likely to downvote you, including if your answer can potentially be improved.
I don't think downvoting is intrinsically linked with "an answer that can be improved" anyway. I would imagine downvoting would be more closely correlated with "stupid", flat "wrong" answers, and where they just disagree with you (Is X > Y, what should I use here etc..). The first two are not something you "improve on" barr looking at the way you approach answering in general, and the third is a fact of life.

Only 7/17 downvotes I have, I know how I got.

And that's fine. You don't need to know why you got downvoted all the time - maybe someone did it because they dislike you, or they made a mistake, or they just don't think your answer is that great on a more opinionated question. People are different.

Then the answer to the form will become a comment on the donvoted answer/question.

Idk how much I'd like the clogging. Also then we'd have to think of dealing with people who downvote things just because they want to. Do we still let them do so and submit a nonsensical reason?

You should add flagging to this. +1
commented 50 minutes ago by LeafyBlade

Flagging is used to attract Editor/Mod attention. If your question is flagged and hidden, it is against the rules. Simple. If it's flagged and is perfectly fine, then flags WILL BE CLEARED. Don't worry about it.

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