Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I always do it when I quote but it never does.

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2 Answers

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Best answer

There are two requirements.
One, the greater-than sign (>) Must have a space between it and the text.
Two, you must press the "enter" key to separate the previous line from the one you are trying to indent.


If you have multiple lines, you'll need to indent them all for the green line to appear before them.
If the preview shows you your answer or question has a green line, and it doesn't, you can always click "edit" and fix it.


This took me awhile to learn; I have all of you beautiful people to thank.

Visionary OrangeWigMan, on learning how to eat without assistance.

Example on how NOT to do it:

Crap, that dude has problems.
> Assistant to OrangeWigMan

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2 votes

You need to add a space after the > in order for it to work. In the past, you didn't have to, but I guess it was changed for some reason.
Just for clarity:
> This will work
>This will not
