Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

There could be a "votes" button next to your question/answer seeing how many upvotes and downvotes you have received, like if someone upvoted and another person downvoted, it could say "1 upvote, 1 downvote"

Just a minor suggestion.

Isn't that needed, but not a bad idea. There could also be a percentage for the ration.
Something like Imgur could be nice.

Like this awesome thing, that got nine upvotes:

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

To be honest I don't really see a lot of value in doing that. I think it's rarely needed, if ever. You can see overall downvotes on your profile so you'll most likely know if you got a downvote recently. Mods can see who upvoted and downvoted so that helps detect spam and such.

If you're really desperate to know if a particular post received a downvote you can ask a mod in chat to check it for you (as long as you're not bugging them all the time to check things).

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