Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I don't know about other people, but when I go to my profile and see the upvotes recieved go up, I want to see which q or a of mine was upvoted, however, this is extremely hard to do, as both recent activity and My Updates, don't show you if someone upvoted something. I know this has been a suggestion in the past, but I'm pretty sure it was never answered. Adding: you recieved an upvote from anonymous, or something like that, to the My Updates would be extremely helpful to me, and most likely others who also want to see which q got upvoted. And, if we put anonymous on it, it'll still obey the upvote/downvotes are anonymous rule.

This will get very annoying/spammy and is pretty unnecessary.
We don't have to have it as an email, just on our updates, which pretty much has everything else, but if so many people say no, I guess I'll hide it.
Don’t hide I’ll like to see other people’s view on this
Alternatively we could do if you hover over the vote number on a specific post, it could say something like x upvotes, x downvotes.
Keeping the anonymity, but knowing the votes beyond the shown sum
That could work, thanks Sixer.

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