Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–6 votes

Possibly add a fanfiction section so people could share and get feedback on fanfics? I feel like everyone is starting to get tired of going on people's walls to do this.

A section exclusively for fanfiction wouldn't get any use by most of the users of this site. A forum section where this type of stuff would be allowed has been an idea of PM's for years, but how close he is to actually implementing it is unknown.
would this fanfiction section be pokemon fanfiction or fanfiction about pokemon db users? because i would read an ht x felix fanfiction
Can you name another user who wants to share fanfics on Pokemon DB?
There are multiple people who like fanfictions here, but that is a matter of pure coincidence.

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

This won't be added to PokeBase. Use a fanfiction website instead.

selected by
Ok. Got it!