Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I was in the chat room and I noticed that sometimes it says "Blah blah blah, seconds from now, and sometimes it says seconds ago.

Like this:

seconds ago
no one was talking

seconds from now

(don't ask about the whole "cwicket", we were speaking in owo, just go with it)

so sometimes it says seconds from now and sometimes it says seconds ago. Why does this happen?

edited by
I don’t understand. What does this mean cuz I think it’s normal.
The question is asking why there are 2 possible messages when it can just say "seconds ago" for all of them.
Even I faced the same thing a few days ago. But I noticed something common here. Maybe it comes as "seconds from now" for our own posts and "seconds ago" for the others. Though Idk why this happen.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

It means the time on your computer clock is wrong, or at least it's a few seconds ahead of our server time.

Basically the chat message comes back with a timestamp, it's converted to your local time and shows how long ago or in the future it is. The future bit used to be turned off but I needed it for something else I think.

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I still don't really get it but ok!
Basically when it says "from now" your browser thinks the message is from the future.