Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I recently saw on smogon RMT page that some questions are basically like ----> I've done lot of hard work on this team. Check it out and use if you like. If any suggestions do suggest.

I would like to know if I can do so here with my gen 7 ubers teams.
(Another reason is I'll know where my favourite team's pastes are LoL :P)
Thanks in advance!

I think as long as you phrase it as asking for improvement, it's allowed. Just saying "this is a good team use it" is probably against the rules.
No I'm not going to say dat. I mean you get the feeling what the person wants to say.
Great question.

1 Answer

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Yes. As long as you're receptive to feedback, you can post on the RMT section. It doesn't matter how good you think the team is already.

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Thank you!