Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

In this page it says that the GIFT Magikarp has a 3/4 chance in FRLG and RBY, or whatever those mean, but if it's a gift pokemon, shouldn't it be 100%, or does the person sometimes not give you the Magikarp somehow? Please explain, and if there are others like this, tell me.

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You can see what the pie means by hovering the cursor over it. (it does not always mean 75%) However I do agree it is still wrong, because it should say "limited".
Yay to mobile not having a cursor
Alternate title: pm please remove the piecharts and replace them with percentages or words
There is a key for the pie charts at the bottom of this page:
Based upon that, the Magikarp gift definitely should say 'limited' (or have an empty pie) as sumwun mentioned.
PM does seem to prefer hard percentages for recent generations, so maybe he'd be interested in doing the same for previous generations. Hopefully, he still has the data he used to create the pies.
I definitely would like this, so if Pokemaster sees this, could you fix the magikarp mistake, and switch old gens to percentages if possible.
I'm getting a question mark when I hover over them, am on Laptop on Chrome.
Just found another one where this happens: go to the dratini gift.
And another, when getting the starters in HGSS and FRLG it has the mistake:

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