Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I recently saw a question that had 997 views. I wanted to get it to a thousand views, as it was so close. After exiting and reopening the question twice I couldn't get any more views on the post, and it stopped at 999 views.

Is there a limit to how many views you can give a question. Sorry I know this is extremely trivial

You can't get 1+ views on a post at a time ig.
1: The website keeps track of who the last person to view a question was, and if they view it again without someone else replacing that “last person” spot it won’t register as a view. This was intentional, so that people won’t spam views.

2: The most viewed question has 1.7 million views, so more than that if there is a maximum amount. I would assume there isn’t one, but I have nothing to back this up.
I believe there is no limit and you can convert your comment into an answer if you want.
Well, technically, as computers cannot store and a value greater than its number limitations, there must be a limit to the number stored as the amount of views for a post. This typically depends on computing language, which in this case is likely JavaScript, which (by default) has a max number value as 1.7976931348623157e+308 (or 1.7976931348623157 x 10^308). If any value is added above this, it would become “Infinity”, a global property that is higher than any other numeric value (unless there is code that prevents the view count from going ‘MAX_VALUE’ to ‘Infinity’). :P
Staka, I don't need that high of an amount, lol

Stephwheel you answered my question so you can turn that into an answer if you like
Aight .

1 Answer

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As I said in the comment above,

  • The website keeps track of who the last person to view a question was, and if they view it again without someone else replacing that “last person” spot it won’t register as a view. This was intentional, so that people won’t spam views.

Okay so edit: The best source I could find was this quote from Pokémaster:

The exact answer is that the view counter only stores the last person who visited. When a different person visits, the counter goes up. But that means if 2 people keep reloading the page alternately the views will keep going up because it thinks it's a new person.

  • The most viewed question has 1.7 million views, so more than that if there is a maximum amount. I would assume there isn’t one, though.

And as Staka~ said,

Well, technically, as computers cannot store and a value greater than its number limitations, there must be a limit to the number stored as the amount of views for a post. This typically depends on computing language, which in this case is likely JavaScript, which (by default) has a max number value as 1.7976931348623157e+308 (or 1.7976931348623157 x 10^308). If any value is added above this, it would become “Infinity”, a global property that is higher than any other numeric value (unless there is code that prevents the view count from going ‘MAX_VALUE’ to ‘Infinity’). :P

edited by
We really need more websites that are programed using those super old memory-saving languages where there's only enough space for 256 different numbers, so 255 + 1 = 256 = 0.
Also how do you know the website remembers the last person to view a question?
Q2A uses MySQL+PHP so I don't think JS has anything to do with this.