Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

This post is well overdue. I understand that the majority of teams and answers on the RMT are not at all helpful, especially when posted by new members that know nothing about the format they’re playing (or much about competitive battling at all). However, this absolutely does not give our competitive veterans the right to be sarcastic, overly harsh, or just plain rude when responding to low-quality posts. We all want the RMT to improve, right? This community’s harsh feedback might be helpful to a few people, but most will just be turned away from the site, based on their first impressions. Their bad posts will just be replaced by other bad posts, except we won’t have their potential assistance on giving helpful information to other beginners.

Think back to when you first started playing the format in which you’re now an expert. Were you immediately excellent? Did you know all the strategies? Did you know which Pokemon fulfilled what roles? When did you first learn that Smogon’s Viability Rankings existed? I’m willing to bet money you had to learn these things, just as our new posters are trying to do. The “feedback” we’re giving them is toxic and crass. If we want these people to improve, try rephrasing some of the things you say to be positive. For example, instead of this...

“What the hell is this answer? You’ve somehow made this team even worse, which is saying a lot. Don’t you know anything? Learn to play the format before you make garbage like this.”

...try saying this:

“Could you explain why you’ve recommended Zebstrika for an Ubers team? It’s almost always heavily outclassed by things like Zekrom and Arceus-Electric. You might want to try reading the Gen 7 Ubers Viability Rankings ( ) to help you understand the format better. Thanks :)”

Do you see how much nicer that is? I know from personal experience that being friendly and supportive is a much better way to help people improve, instead of beating them down for poor choices. If the first example was the type of reception I got when I first posted on the RMT, I probably wouldn’t have stuck around long enough to be making this post.

Please keep in mind that I’m not trying to out anyone specific here. I can’t pretend I’m much better than what I’m condemning -- anyone that knows me knows that I find most new users pretty insufferable. However, this doesn’t detract from the fact that we should all be a lot kinder on the RMT. Who knows? It might actually start improving if we start trying to make posts better.

And of course, this post obviously doesn’t apply to everyone. If you’re kind and supportive when you say things on RMT (especially to new users), then awesome. I respect you. Everyone that does anything I outlined in this post should know who they are.

TL;DR 85% of people that post on the RMT are more rude than helpful. Be nicer.

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tldr but yes i agree with everything i didnt read always be polite +1
yeah, sometimes when i go to RMT there is feedback that is rude, and i agree with what you say. 85% is a big number
I was gonna post something along the lines of this but I never got around to doing it :/

I think being a bit more kind is something we should work on with new users overall.
The issue with being nicer is that users aren't even posting responsibly. What I mean by that is that some don't even take it upon themselves to do their homework about the tier. Before making an rmt, what should be done is you dump some stuff onto a team, go into trial and error, fix any major flaws, and only then should you ask for help. A lot of the teams are basically people who just play one battle and then immediately ask an rmt. The fact that it isn't a requirement to post explanations on ever mon doesn't help either

For answers, it's even worse. Some people just post answers without even doing their homework. The answers are supposed to help the original post so if it's bad, then of course it's gonna get flamed

I'm not saying I disagree with you, I'm just saying that if one wants to helped, then they should try to help themselves first. If they don't know what they should be looking for, such as the viabilty rankings, then they should ask what they need to know before asking an rmt. Straight up posting an rmt just because you won one or two battles is just straight up irresponsible
Yes it's true that there are a lot of ignorant or irresponsible people. How do you think we should respond to their RMTs? Do you think it's okay to be rude to them?
Have a certain level of kindness and then reply, I guess. Flaming doesn't help, it usually makes matters worse.
I would like to throw this out there, but I think clearly defining standards for an RMT can make it a better place for constructive criticism. A rule that something like Smogon implements is having 3 line descriptions for each Pokemon. This forces people to spend more time on their RMTs instead of just saying "this is a standard set" for any Pokemon on their team. If we want to, we can also implement standards for quality of answers as well.
Quality standards are coming very very soon. Hopefully it will reduce the number of bad players posting teams and giving advice, so we don't get so irritated when it happens.
Sneak peek:

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