Meta-PokéBase Q&A
22 votes

Hi guys, sorry this is a bit later than I said it'd be. Promotions 2021 are here!

I emailed the names to Pokemaster but he hasn't gotten back yet. Hopefully we can still get these going in a reasonable timeframe.


For those unaware, we handpick experts as well as promote them after 6,000 points. We do this for long-time + valuable contributors, and people who earn the title in some way other than posting lots of answers.

We've picked out Cristal Maybach, Calquischezlerynop, MegaManectric, and Spooky Terrain this time. Let us know if you'll take up expert -- we'll promote if you say yes. :)

Congrats also to everybody who got expert through points since the last promotions post. There are so many now I've lost track.

E: all experts now promoted, congrats!


Here, we pick people who've put in a body of work as experts to show they'll make a good contribution to the auth group, and can handle a moderating role.

We've chosen J, Kiawe, AlphaSapphire, and Smoothie. I contacted them all and they're happy to get the role -- now over to you PM :)


Amethyst is one of the best contributors to the site in recent years and is absolutely capable of this role. Thanks again for your work!

(@PM, could you also follow up regarding the "staff version" rules list, please?)

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Thanks so much, Fizz! Grats to everyone that's getting promoted! :)
Thank you fizzypoo <3 I love you

Big congrats to everyone else!
Thank you so much for the promotion! Congratulations to everyone else, these are some great selections!
Thanks a ton for expert, of course I accept! Congrats to the rest, they all really deserve it!
I hope Smoothie becomes Editor!
@Spooky Terrain promoted. Congrats :)
@This Guy everyone mentioned in that section of the post is getting editor-it’s just a question of when Pokemaster makes an appearance
Thank you!! Congratulations to everyone who’s getting promoted!! Well deserved, everyone!
I'd accept if I have the chance to get it :)
Also @new experts, DM me on Discord if you want an invite to the staff server (you'll be able to see a channel for experts+).
Yooooooooo gratz everyone!!
Congrats everyone, well deserved :)
Congrats to everyone here!~ Gee gee guys
Congrats guys!
Am I allowed to bump this? (Bump)

1 Answer

6 votes
Best answer

I have made the Editor and Moderator promotions. Congrats to you all and welcome to the team! I know you'll do a grand job.

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omg thank u senpai
Thanks :)
Thank you!
Thanks you very much!!!
Thank you PM _/\_