Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've done a discussion thread: but hopefully that's given you some time to recuperate from by endless ramblings. :P

Today I want to make a post pushing for some changes to our auth system, and how we run it. I want to keep this brief, so I'm going to go right into things. The first on a list of things I want to address is:

The expert status, and its parameters

For me, there's been a lingering feeling for a while that a points-based requirement isn't the best way to find good candidates for the expert status. As much as I appreciate the mystic of reaching 6k and completing a goal, I've felt for a while that the number is too high, and takes too long to reach.

The issue is we can't simply choose another number, because the next time there's a fluctuation in activity, the difficulty of reaching it will change again and we'll have a similar problem. So, in light of the fact there have been plenty of people over the years who deserved editing powers before they got them:

As of today, 6,000 points is no longer a requirement for expert status. I/we are going to start considering people for the position on their merits, as opposed to a numerical measure. Pokemaster gave the thumbs up for this change a while ago, so I think it's overdue now that I commit to it!

So how is this going to work? I'm open to anything, honestly. We as staff members will probably initiate a lot of this, but I also think nominations would be good. As things stand, the factors I would consider would be maturity, post quality, how long the person has been around, and how interested they are in the community.

And you bet there are good candidates right now! I'm mindful not to overextend myself, so these guys can turn me down if they like: but to start I want to nominate KRLW890 and Gekky for expert! Both active and quality contributors, and for a long time. If either of you are up for it, let me know :)

Feel free to discuss this change, other nominations etc. There's more to address, though:

Mods, editors, and lack of auth

I have been overdue to talk about editors for a long time. Despite a jump in activity of late, I'd say we're as understaffed as we've ever been -- and with the franchise to build traction in the next couple years, it is time we got some new faces formally into our mod team.

These names have been thrown around for months now, so it should come as no surprise to anyone that I'm pushing again for Hellfire Taco and PX to get a promotion. Both already have a massive hand in keeping this community clean and presentable, and are high-quality, long-term contributors.

...In fact, I would heavily consider promoting them both to moderator. They should have gotten editor a year ago, and have nothing left to prove in terms of how they conduct themselves here. Promoting editors does nothing to help our moderator shortage, too: I honestly think we might as well.

And in addition, it would be a good step toward being more proactive with the way we run our auth system. This was the main reason for me making this post: I think a stronger effort on behalf of me, the community and Pokemaster is needed to keep things running smoothly.

We cannot have another period where there's only one mod who can actively address issues on this site.

Finally, however:


I do actually. But I'd like to think it's also for the benefit of the community. :P

Basically, I've believed for a while that there are some missing pieces from our repertoire of punishing instruments ways to keep the community tidy. Namely, I want to suggest that you give moderators the ability to do the following things, Pokemaster:

  • See who voted on posts. It says you have this power on your profile. Can we have it too? It would make it a lot faster for us to prove and deal with spam voters.
  • Delete any wall post. There have been times in the past where some bad things have been posted on user walls, and we've been powerless to do much about it. Frankly, it's not fast enough nor practical to have you deal with it every time. Can we do it ourselves? (PX also points out it would make sense to give editors this one too.)
  • Edit anyone's profile. We can see a button that lets us edit people's accounts, but it only lets us promote experts and toggle avatar preferences. We should be able to clear out text fields as well, for the same reason as above.
  • Change the rules page. Community issues and new moderating standards come and go all the time: and with the rules page being our public reference book, I think it's appropriate that we have the ability to keep it up to date.
  • Anything else you think we could use to run the dictatorship keep things orderly.

...And that'll just about do it from me. Let me know what you think of these changes and suggestions! I'm hoping we can set up an environment where we talk a lot more about auth and where we're at in terms of mod presence.

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I didn't check out the DB for just one day... and I get nominated for expert. By Fizz himself. I cannot express my excitement in my comment. But my wall can.

I agree with the nominations for everyone else, I'm surprised PX and Hellfire are still barely experts. I also agree with sumwun, Helix would also be a great candidate since I'm not as active in the Pokebase as I am in Meta.
Oh, wow, I was not expecting a nomination :o
I must say, I'm really surprised, especially considering that my activity here can be a bit on and off at times (I mean, it took me a day to see Fizz's post on my wall), but I'm definitely willing to step up and consistently check the site more frequently if this goes through. Thanks so much for the nomination, Fizz, and everyone else's support in the comments :)
Yay I'm so happy this post isn't discussing my demotion (yet)
I remember when we used to complain that 6 000 was too easy to get haha. I still think 6 000 is a good indicator for someone to be Expert status but the capable <6 000 point users should still be promoted so I'm glad that's finally happening!
And I think we should be less harsh when it comes to moderator promotions since Fizz is the only active moderator... PX has been around for a good century and is consistently active so he'd be an excellent Moderator. And if you think Hellfire Taco is capable you should promote him to Mod as well. It's not fair that you're the only active mod.
I completely agree with that. Fizz has been the only mod active, and the only mod that's pushed for some decently big changes around here - at least, since I've been here. He more than deserves appreciation and another active mod.
Now, WILL is a moderator too. Since he is active in chat he is active too?
And Pokemaster is kindof active.

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

Firstly, thanks for the stellar work you do keeping this place in order! And you caught me at a good time as I have more time to work on the site right now :) So no 6 month delays like last time.

Just to confirm, I'm perfectly happy for users to get promoted to Expert before 6000 points. Congrats to KRLW890 and Gekky! Other people who were mentioned in the comments above will certainly be candidates in the future, perhaps after a year (6 months seems a little too short a time to me). Having said that, at the rate peoplelik Helix716 are going they might hit the 6000 points anyway before too long.

On to Editors - I've promoted Hellfire Taco and PX, congrats to them! I'm happy to discuss making then moderators in the near future too. You're right, we don't have many active mods now, although it's hard to judge activity exactly as a lot of it isn't shown.

Will and DT are both still around in chat. Mewderator, Kameko and trachy don't appear to have been active for around 6 months. Ninja and Shining Yin both say they've left, although Shining Yin was apparently here 4 days ago. And there's some guy called MovesetBot who's not active right now :o

So it might be worth bumping a couple of people down to Editor. As for the powers:

See who voted on posts.

I thought mods already had this but turns out they didn't. I've given you that now. If you hover over where it says "X votes" there will be a tooltip showing who voted up and down. Same applies to flags too.

Delete any wall post.
Edit anyone's profile.

Both fair requests. Unfortunately there is no permission for that in Q2A right now so I can't do that. I'll look into it.

Change the rules page.

As above there is no method for doing that in Q2A. Plus the rules page uses HTML rather than Markdown and I'd worry about someone messing up the site ;) If you think there are some changes required, let me know and I can update the page. I think I'd rather "approve" any changes to the rules proactively rather than retroactively.

Anything else you think we could use to run the dictatorship keep things orderly.

I've thought about creating some pages for mods to view extra information or user activity. For example there could be a page showing if two users have been posting from the same IP and/or upvoting each others' posts a lot. Or if a user has hidden a bunch of their own posts. Just anything that could be deemed "suspicious", really. Let me know if you have any ideas.

selected by
Mew was last active on 14th April. S/He was upset because you didn't make an April fool joke.
Thanks, PM!
"So no 6 month delays like last time."
Thank God/Arceus/Pokemaster.

"Congrats to KRLW890 and Gekky!"
Thanks God/Arceus/Pokemaster.
@Helix716, Mew was active on Showdown a few days ago..
@Pokemaster, same as above, Mew was active on Showdown a few days ago. And Ninja probably started playing Fortnite and became a moderator there :P. I don't know why but people are returning, I see more and more people returning in chat. So yay!
Awesome, thanks PM. I might do a thread on the rules later. I do know HTML and a few other things, but I get what you mean :P
The stuff we have now (especially with the voting change!) is pretty solid for tracking suspicious activity, though an automated process would be nice as well. If you're taking suggestions, my best idea would be a 'mod mail' button of sorts, which we could use for reporting users, and whatever else. Our system right now is a Google Doc which isn't very immediate.
Thank you so much PM, and you too Fizz! I'll make sure to do stuff!
5 votes

Alright, expert promotions are done! Sorry, I should have been clearer I can do these myself haha. Congrats guys.

And thanks for all the nominations! I'm going to keep this one at two new experts, since it's a new system and all. But there are some pretty clear candidates for next time, considering what's been posted here.

Planning to make 'auth review' threads reasonably often (a few months apart?), so keep your eyes out. For now I want the other two promotions done :)

Edit: Gekky here, just testing :)

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Mwahaha! I have so much power now!
But now you have to pay power bills each month. As someone who's already been an expert for a while, I can tell you that power bills are not fun.
Fizz, one question. If people get 6k points, without being nominated, will they still be an expert?
If not, RIP ETN.
And rmt+meta?
@SeeYaLater When they get to 6000 points they automatically get all the privileges of Experts (editing any post, etc).
Did you promote Helix, too?