babe editing doesn't usually work like that
Experts who are into editing MSQ/LCMSQ threads (like Volt Striker) usually edit a whole thread *completely*, which includes every answer. Editing the top answers is better than having to edit every answer, and is better in theory, but as far as I've seen Experts are expected to edit whole threads and not just new answers. I added a page which needed to be edited so I could get to it later, but right now I can only do new answers.
This doesn't feel like a big issue, as long as answers have all the details the syntax can be edited. I raised this issue in the staff server and Fizz replied (to why this isn't a formal rule) "we're still trying to compromise between the old answers and newer answers". The newer users can be given a warning on their walls, or answers can be hidden if they don't live up to the lowest expectations of having a proper syntax. On the whole, for new answers, I feel divided about it and it isn't a top-priority issue.