Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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By OMs I am referring to formats such as Monotype LC, STABMons, AAA, Zeroused etc. Are teams of these formats allowed on the RMT section? Do note that the above formats are playable on PS! and have resources on Smogon forums.
What about formats that are not properly defined on PS! but are still played and have resources on Smogon forums such RBY 7u? Are we allowed to post teams for RBY 7u(and similar formats) on the RMT section?
What is the criteria for a format to be valid to post on rmt? Is it:
a) Playable on PS!
b) Has tournaments and resources on Smogon forums.
c) Something else entirely?

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I'm asking this as a Mono Ubers team was recently posted on RMT.
There is no criteria in the rules page currently, so you could post a team for any format as long as it has well-defined rules.
However, there is certainly a discussion to be had about whether we should allow any OM, and indeed, any custom ruleset that a person may outline for us. It is something we should have talked about a while ago and I'm very interested to hear opinions about it.
I think if an OM doesn't have a permanent ladder, then there is necessarily a lower playerbase and less expertise to go around. There are also dozens upon dozens of OMs in existence, and it's probably not realistic to serve all of them in one place. I think a line should be drawn somewhere.
There are plenty of formats like Old Gen Lower tiers, 1v1 and Monotype that don't have permanent ladders but are still actively played in Smogon tournaments, year after year. I think that if a format is regularly played in Smogon tournaments year after year,  it should be allowed. I'm not sure about how regularly though.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but almost all the formats you've mentioned thus far do have permanent ladders. They are listed here (and the "independent OMs" clearly have permanent ladders too).
If you grant all of those, how many remaining OMs have a constant playerbase or tournament presence?

Past gen UU, RU, etc don't have permanent ladders, but I think they should always be allowed (as they are currently). I don't think they're formally considered OMs anyway.
I think all OMs with permanent ladders have a constant playerbase and tournaments. I think all OMs that have permaladder or are included in this OM circuit or are independent OMs should be allowed on RMT: What do you think?

Note: Old Gens Monotype and 1v1 formats such as gen 7 1v1 don't have permanent ladder, but they have a Constant playerbase in forums tours.
I think all monotype OMs should be allowed as well.
Yeah, I think all OMs with permanent ladders should be allowed. That includes past gen iterations of those formats, so Gen 7 1v1 etc. would be allowed. From what I can see, the tour circuit consists entirely of permaladder OMs and independent OMs (which is a subset of permaladder OMs anyway), so I think the rule would be consistent.
I'm not sure I'd want to muddy a fairly simple interpretation to keep Monotype Ubers, etc. but if most people think it should be allowed, then we'll do that too. (I am mildly concerned it'd turn into an outlet for people who make gimmick teams and quietly queue them in AG to have their posts stay up. For example, I doubt the person who posted in RMT recently is actually playing Monotype Ubers room tours. But this would probably not be a regular issue in practice.)
Sounds fine to me.
Another question: are CAP teams allowed?
Should they be? Again, the rules have no restrictions so you could go post a CAP team right now. I would question PokemonDB's place covering CAP at all, though.
CAP teams have been historically not permitted on RMT (though I don't know why). You're unlikely to get a good answer on CAP teams outside of Smogon, though.
Fair enough.

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