Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

OMG two posts by Pokemaster in one day? This must be a record! Just thought I'd post regarding a tool I made a little while back - Pokemon plain text exporter.

Occasionally I have use for a simple list of Pokemon, to paste into a spreadsheet or copy and reformat in various ways. So I made this for my own use, and never publicized it or linked it anywhere. But I thought it might be useful to others too!

Before I release it to the wider world I was wondering what users here thought and if it can be improved in any ways? Keep in mind it's meant to be simple, so I likely won't be adding things like detailed Pokemon attributes (egg groups etc) or generational changes like Magnemite being pure Electric in gen 1.

I don't understand could you simplify if you don't mind your just comment.
I like it! My only gripe is that single-typed Pokemon and dual-typed Pokemon share the same column for their type. If I got data from this tool, I would straight away add headers (ex: num,name,type1,type2) and replace the slashes with commas. Maybe the tool could optionally do that for you?

BTW, you should advertise to us the stuff you make more often. I'm not sure how long it's been there, but I noticed recently that the egg move lists on PokemonDB were overhauled, which I think is a very major change that means we can finally stop using Bulbapedia/Serebii for past-gen matchups.
(Side note: I expect you found this problem already, but in case you didn't, is the last big problem with egg moves on this site.)
Good point on the types, I’ll update that.

The egg move overhaul was published around 10 days ago. I did post about it on Twitter, but I suppose a lot of visitors don’t check there. I have some other stuff I’m working on so I’ll probably make a news post covering everything then (I don’t like adding news for just one thing).
This is incredibly helpful. Great addition!
I know you said you wanted to keep it simple, but I would love to be able to get base stats from this, if you think that would be within its scope.
Still very handy even without base stats. Definitely going to be using this!
Can this be accessed outside of this thread? It's not necessarily a game mechanic but if you were to put it somewhere I think the useful tools section of that tab would work.
This thread is the first time I’ve linked it. I was planning to do exactly as you say, add it to the useful tools menu.

1 Answer

1 vote

I've just pushed an update to this to put types in separate columns, and added base stats since I think it would be a common use case. I'll add a link to the site menu soon!
