Ohai there. My name is Once. I have recently created this team and have a fair amount of success with it. This team was created to have a very underrated threat come in and sweep the opposing team. The Pokemon itself is already considered a threat, but the set itself is very underrated. So without further ado, I present my team.
P.S. The Pokemon I'm speaking of is SubCM Keldeo.
The Team
@ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- X-scissor
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
After changing Tentacruel to Heatran with Stealth Rock, I didn't need that stupid Sash Terrakion set. With this, I have a much better check to Thundurus-T as it outspeeds every variant and always OHKOs with Stone Edge, provided that it hits, but its better than it's Focus Blast. It also gives me a revenge killer and a late game cleaner. Of course Close Combat is always on Terrakion, unless you want a screen breaker. Earthquake and X-scissor is for coverage against Fires, Psychics, etc. With a sweeper spread and a Jolly Nature, I'm getting all I payed for with Terrakion's base 108 Speed. Justified is Terrakion's only ability but its nice, even though no one is going to use a Dark type move on this team.
@ Leftovers
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Secret Sword
We need a sprite for Keldeo-Resolute, y'know. Anyway, this is my main Pokemon. It utilizes substitute to absorb status and potentially get up some safe Calm Minds. I'm using it's to STAB choices as attacks. Instead of Hydro Pump I use Surf for the accuracy and am not using Scald for the power. Secret Sword is a cool move because it is basically a fighting type Psyshock that can punish Blissey. Lefties keeps up his survivability and will replenish lost health from Substitute. I have a sweeper based EV spread with the final 4 EVs placed into Special Defense to compliment Calm Mind. This set has 4 annoying counters; Jellicent, Lati@s, and Celebi, which my next two Pokemon can counter.
@ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Pursuit
I've always liked Scizor in OU. It serves in so many roles. It can act as a revenge-killer with a Technician-STAB-boosted priority Bullet Punch. It can scout the opponent with a STAB U-turn. Then there's Pursuit letting Scizor become a very effective Pursuit-trapper as Technician is like a pseudo-STAB. Finally this set is rounded out with Superpower to hit Ferrothorn and anything else. Scizor also effectively counters the Lati twins and Celebi with U-turn. The EV spread allows Scizor not to be 2HKO'd by some Pokemon, if it is still in. It also allows me to inflict some pain onto anything not resisting it, along with a Choice Band. And finally, 4 SpD because that's where they fit.
@ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Seed Flare
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Rest
Shaymin is my best counter to Jellicent. It's Seed Flare threatens it so bad, that I haven't been able to see it OHKO Jelli as it just doesn't stay in on it. STAB Seed Flare can halve your Pokemon's Special Defense, so I basically get to 2HKO anything that I land that effect on. Earth Power is such a cool coverage move as Heatran looks like a joke after getting hit by it. Hidden Power deals with a very pesky Gliscor. Rest is what makes this set just so great as I heal off Shaymin perfectly and get rid of that status on the switch. Life Orb is hurting anything at the cost of 10% of my HP. Like Keldeo and Terrakion I've implemented the fast sweeper EV spread.
@ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / Spe
Impish Nature
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Protect
- Earthquake
Without Gliscor, there would be no checks to most fighting Pokemon, especially Breloom. See, Pokemon like Breloom could just punch anything because I had no Fighting resistances or immunities. Gliscor also gives me perfect synergy with the team. Anyway, anybody who has used or faced this guy knows how annoying he can be. If you don't know, first poison a Pokemon, then stall the **** out of them with Protect+Substitute. Another thing to note is that Gliscor is almost immune to status which means Breloom's Spore won't get the job done. The EV spread maximizes bulk and really pumps it physically with an Impish Nature. The 72 Speed allows me to beat Breloom and others.
@ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Toxic
- Roar
So Specially Defensive Heatran to complement Physically Defensive Skarmory, why not? This team had some pretty rough time with Sun teams. Actually, just Venusaur. I probably still need a Pokemon to be sleep fodder so I can get to it more effectively just in case it has HP [Ground] instead of [Fire] but that doesn't happen, and if it does, there is always Shaymin. Anyway, I also have a great FWG core with Keldeo and Shaymin. Stealth Rock is a must have for team relying on quick safe kills. Toxic is to work down any Pokemon who isn't Steel, Poison, or Breloom and Gliscor. Roar brings in new Pokemon and helps rack up the damage for kills later. Air Balloon throws that Ground weakness out the window, well until its broken. 252 EVs invested in the Special Defense along with a Calm nature and more EVs in HP gives incredible special bulk.
Well that's the team. If you want you should go try this team, it's pretty fun to use. The coolest part about this team is that there are no duplicated items and no duplicated moves. I figured I'd just put the importable and the team building process in an answer. Y'know, the fun stuff.