Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

( Sorry for potential mistakes format- and grammar- wise, since this is my first RMT and english is not my native language. Also, I have no idea how to include Images here, so sorry :D)
Hey there! This is the very first Pokémon-Team I've built yet, and it was fun doing so. Altough I'm not new to Pokémon in general, I am kinda new to the competitive aspect. My previous Team was one I almost 1-1 copied from a Friend to get some Online experience. That being said, I wanted to make a Team with Mega-Sceptile since it's one of my absolute favourites. Since this forum has helped many other players, I thought I'd give it a try myself and get some advice from real experts =D.
(Note: Rotom-W and Talonflame would be good in this Team, but I really don't want to use them since I don't like Rotom-W's design and I've used Talonflame too many times. Too boring in my opinion :/)

The Team: Mega-Sceptile / Heatran / Slowbro / Gliscor / Tyranitar / Excadrill

Scpetile @Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 64 Atk / 252 SAtk / 192 Spd
Naive (+Spd, -SDef)
- Leaf Storm / Energy Ball

  • Earthquake

  • HP Fire

  • Dragon Pulse

This is the main Pokémon of this Team. It's just meant to deal huge amounts of damage, but since I really dislike the 70% accuracy of Focus Blast, I thought it would be a better idea to play it mixed and go with EQ and destroy Heatran/Magnezone. Dragon Pulse as STAB and to destroy dragons like Latias/Latios. I'm not too sure whether I should go with Leaf Storm or Energy Ball, 2 Leaf Storms are still stronger than 2 Energy Balls, but after that I'd definitely have to switch out.
64 Atk for EQ, will still outspeed most opponents with 192 Spd
Naive nature because Sceptile still does loads of damage with 145 base SAtk.
What do you guys think works better here, fully specially offensive or mixed set?

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 68 Spd / 252 Hp / 192 SDef
Calm (+SDef, -Atk)
- Taunt

  • Stealth Rock

  • Lava Plume

  • Roar

Heatran and Slowbro build the defensive core of this Team. Heatran resists Sceptiles weaknesses while Slowbro resists Heatrans weaknesses. Stealth Rock to hit those birds and do some overall pre-damage for Sceptile to sweep. Roar can help dealing SR damage and eventually create some free switch-ins and momentum for me. Lava Plume as STAB.
68 Spd to stop things like Mandibuzz, Suicune or Venusaur from Defog, Synthesis, Roost, Calm Mind etc. using Taunt. Rest of the EVs go to HP and SDef, Calm nature to boost it even further. Heatran baits water attacks, one can use this to regenerate Hp on Slowbro.
Note: If I'm not playing Item-Clause, then I'll probably just give Heatran and Slowbro Leftovers.

Slowbro @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry / ?
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 44 SAtk / 252 Hp / 212 Def
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
- Slack Off

  • Scald

  • Ice Beam

  • Psyshock

Slowbro is the second part of the defensive core. It's my physical wall, so I chose to put all my EVs and Nature into Def, except 44 SAtk. I used a damage calculator, and with 44 SAtk Slowbro is able to 100% 0HKO Garchomp and with a chance of ~56% 0HKO Mega Garchomp (100% If already taken Stealth Rock damage) at Lv.-50. Also helps against Gliscor. Scald as STAB and to potentially cripple physical threats, as well as T-Wave. I also considered Gastrodon, but Regenerator is a better ability than Storm-Drain since Gastrodon wouldn't stay in for too long anyways.

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream / Unnerve
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Hard (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Pursuit
- Stone-Edge / Rock Slide

  • Earthquake

  • DDance / Rock Polish / Stealth Rock

Talonflame is one of the most common OU threats, and I really needed a counter for that. Did not want to use Rhyperior since he has too many weaknesses, so Tyranitar came into my mind. Looks cool, and while completely stopping Talonflame from doing literally anything, can attack pretty hard. At LV. 50, it has 120 SDef. Sand Stream boosts it by 50% and Assault Vest boosts it by another 50%. Not sure if I'll end up having 240 SDef or 270, don't really know how it's calculated, but that's enough SDef to take some hits, so there is no SDef investment. Instead, I chose to go with 252 Hp and 4 Def, since he has 130 Def-points without investment, there is also no real need here. That paired with 252 Hp makes him take hits both physically and specially, while still dealing tons of damage with 252 Atk and the Hard nature. Crunch and Stone Edge/Rock Slide for that STAB damage, Earthquake as coverage. On the 4th slot, I couldn't decide between DDance and Rock Polish, where Stealth Rock is also an option if Heatran's rocks fail for some reason. Heatran, Excadrill and Gliscor are all not affected by Sandstorm, which is great and actually helps Gliscor stalling.

Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
Hard (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake

  • Rapid Spin

  • Iron Head

  • Rock Slide

When there is Tyranitar, there also is an Excadrilll. They have great synergy and since I run Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin makes more sense than Defog. But I have problems to decide here: Not sure if I really need that much Speed investment since Sandstorm doubles it anyways. If I went defensive and Tyranitar has not set up a Sandstorm, then I'm too slow to hit anything. So I thought going 252 Spd with *2 Sandstorm will outspeed Scarfers, and the Focus Sash is my best defensive option here.

Gliscor @ Toxic-Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 Hp / 208 Def / 56 Spd or 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish (+Def, -SAtk)
- Toxic

  • Protect / Roost

  • Ice Fang / Knock off

  • Taunt

Last but not least: Gliscor. I needed something against Ground-Type, and since Gliscor doesn't get affected by the Sandstorm too and is immune against ground, he fits the bill. But there's lots of options here. Since my team is already specially defensive, I thought another physically defensive Poke that can break stalls would be great. 56 Spd would make him outspeed the 70-Base Spd's like Bisharp and the uninvested 100-Base Spd's. Taunt for Stallbreak, Toxic for reliable Damage every turn. Now I could either run Roost to recover from taken Damage every round or Protect to negate Damage every round, not sure what's more effective. Ice Fang against Flying-Types or Knock Off to not get walled-out by Gengar. Might as well run SwordsDance set to help with Mega Venusaur, but would another Pokémon do that job better whilst still helping against ground types?
Hopefully you can help me decide^^.

Every Pokémon is replaceable except Sceptile, because that's a Pokémon I really wanted to make a team with.
If you have any suggestions or think the team is overall just bad, please let me know!

Thanks for reading. Have a great time playing Pokémon! :)

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Keldeo has a merry day with your entire team. 4 Pokes weak to Water is not good at all. Sure you have Sceptile and Slowbro, but those two can eaaassillllyyy get wittled down with your lack of Cleric support and Sandstorm damage.
What is this team for? Singles? VGC? Doubles?
Commenting because answers are not my type of thing:

Run Sceptile with Focus Blast > HP fire, and preferably Protect > EQ. Make EVs 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def, and make it Timid if eq isnt used (keep naive if you use it).

Heatran is fine.

Slowbro is fine, just change Ice Beam for one of the following: Toxic, Thunder Wave, or Fire Blast. The first two options are preferred.

Ttar is bad because Assault Vest is poor item choice for it. Refer to Smogon's page on TTar (Google search Tyranitar smogon) and use the OU support set with Smooth Rock. For the last slot, run Crunch of Fire Blast.

Exadrill needs Jolly Nature in my opinion. adamant Nature leaves you vulnerable to other sand teams, meaning you'll be too reliant of Slowbro, who can be pursuit trapped by opposing tyranitar.

For Gliscor, refer to smogon's Gliscor page (Google search Gliscor Smogon) and use the OU Specially Defensive set.

Also, please state the real nature for any future RMT. Hard is not a nature, and thus you should refer to it by its real name: Adamant.
Haha, I'm sorry for the mistake with the nature. In Germany adamant is "hart", so I just went with "hard" out of habit xD
The Team is meant for singles, also I did some changes to Sceptile. You can read that down below somewhere.  
Why exactly is Assault Vest a poor item choice for TTar?
Good point with the jolly nature, but will it do significantly less damage than adamant?
For Gliscor, I also thought that Swords Dance would be a neat option. Would also be another win condition. Will look up the Smogon set.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Yeah, i understand the language barrier, but it just causes a bit of confusion as to what you actually mean (it helped that you had + Atk, -SpA). I guess I'm just trying to keep the rmt section a bit tidy.

Assault Vest is a poor choice because a lot of mons specifically adapt to kill Tyranitar. Superpower is run on Tornadus-Therian and occasionally Thundurus to specifically OHKO ttar. TTar also plays a support role for Excadrill (who needs sand to be useful), so you need it around as much as possible. Smooth Rock extends your sand turns from 5 to 8, so it gives you a little bit more time with Excadrill. TTar doesnt even take much from Draco from Latios, and it pursuit traps it, meaning assault vest isnt really that necessary. If you do run the Smogon TTar set i advised, dont run SR on it unless you plan to replace rocks on Tran for Earth Power or Flash Cannon. Run Crunch or Ice Beam if you plan to keep rocks on tran.

Adamant Excadrill is fine, really. It's just my preference to pick Jolly because I worry a lot about very specific situations.

SD Gliscor is actually a set i had in mind to reccomend! I actually have a current set you can use, but will need to comment later since I dont have it on the device i'm currently using.

Also, I saw your sceptile changes. I'm still very doubtful of Hp Fire Sceptile in OU. I just tend to prefer not losing speed ties with other sceptile or Beedrill, that's all.
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 28 Def / 236 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
- Roost / Protect

Lets you outspeed all Max base 80 speed mons. No attack investment because Gliscor needs all the bulk it can get. Roost is effective at healing you, but Protect lets you beat MVenu 1v1.

1 Answer

0 votes

Overall great team! I like the choices, and a great build around Sceptile-Mega. I think there are just a few changes to be made. The changes will be in bold.

The Team: Mega-Sceptile / Heatran / Slowbro / Gliscor / Tyranitar / Excadrill

I will explain the change from Slowbro to Slowking in just a second.

Scpetile @Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 64 Atk / 252 SAtk / 192 Spd
Naive (+Spd, -SDef)
- Leaf Storm / Energy Ball
- Rock Slide
- HP Fire
- Dragon Pulse

So, with Sceptile, he is mainly a fast special sweeper, with one exception: his need to quickly take care of flying types. Fire is no longer a huge threat because Sceptile is part Dragon. However, you want to lead with something that can easily take care of Sceptile's weaknesses due to Sceptile's lower defenses. The Rock Slide will hit both opponents without hitting your other Pokémon, and it has a flinch chance, which is always good in competitive. The rest of his move set is fine. It is totally your decision between Leaf Storm and Energy Ball though. I have no idea what works better. I have a Chandelure that has Energy Ball though. It always 3HKOs water, ground, and other super effectives at the most. Unless you come across the most bulky Milotic on the planet. So, Sceptile having Energy Ball, which would then be a STAB, I think would probably be more effective. Just test them both out. See what works best :)

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 68 Spd / 252 Hp / 192 SDef
Calm (+SDef, -Atk)
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Heat Wave
- Roar

This Heatran is different. I don't think I have personally seen anything like this, so I don't know how it'd work. If it works well, for your team, then I don't recommend changing anything with Heatran. Except for Lava Plume. If your able to, teach him Heat Wave. You'll still get that nice fire-type attack, which is even more powerful, and you don't have to worry about hitting your other Pokémon.

Slowbro @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry / Slowbronite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 44 SAtk / 252 Hp / 212 Def
Bold (+Def, -Atk)
- Slack Off
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Zen Headbutt

Okay, so Slowbro looks like it'd work out well, there's just one problem: it lacks physical attacks. I gave it Zen Headbutt instead of Psyshock for that nice Physical STAB and a 20% chance of making the opponent flinch (if they happen to be at all slower than Slowbro). I also gave the option of Slowbronite just in case you need that extra stat boost instead of regenerator. I understand that re generators nice, but it is always good to have options.

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest / Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream / Unnerve
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Hard (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- DDance
- Stealth Rock

So, you are probably wondering why the heck I put in for another mega. You just never truly know for sure what you'll need to do. It's always good to keep your options open. I put Crunch in instead of Pursuit, because isn't extremely powerful and doesn't OHKO anything unless you catch a super effective hit on a switch out. Crunch has a chance for flinching (nice to have in case you are faster. If you chose Tyranitar-Mega, you will probably be faster). Rock Slide is better than Earthquake because it doesn't take out your other Pokémon and yet another chance for flinching. DDance for that attack and speed. And Stealth Rock for (as you said) a fail-safe on Heatran's Rocks.

Excadrill @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
Hardy (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide

You seem like you know what you're doing with this guy. I'd say he's fine.

Gliscor @ Toxic-Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 Hp / 208 Def / 56 Spd or 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish (+Def, -SAtk)
- Toxic
- Protect
- Knock Off
- Taunt / Ice Fang

I've honestly never seen Gliscor in competitive. But, it looks like he could be pretty annoying for the opponent. Which is good for you. Toxic is definitely a good one to have, as poisoning will eliminate a lot of people, slowly, but eventually. I would go with Protect instead of Roost, as your opponent will try to eliminate Gliscor and his Toxic as soon as possible. You usually are able to predict an all out attack from both opposing Pokémon, so Protect can get pretty handy. I would go with Knock Off instead of Ice Fang, because Kock Off deals damage and gets rid of items that might be threatening, like a Choice Scarf, or a Sitrus Berry. Now, I gave the option to choose Ice Fang over Taunt, since Heatran is already running a Taunt. Just try all options out, and see what works best :)

The purpose of this answer was to just give suggestions on the team you already have. I do not have current access to a computer (I'm answering you from an iPad), and the Team Magma team builder isn't working for me currently. At a later date I can plug in your team and figure out the weaknesses, unless you just want to do that yourself. These are just suggestions and my input. I've recently been getting argument for my suggestions, which is not what I'm looking for. I'm just answering what has been asked.

Anyways, overall great team! What's your record? How well has this team been working out for you? Let me know in the comments below :)

Disregard that comment about switching Slowbro to Slowking.
Actually I would switch Slowbro to Slowking because the types he is weak too are common special attacks. Also I would give Tyranitar tyranitarite because having two megas is good, and Mega-T is awesome
That's true. But, he is using it as a Physical wall. I dunno. Maybe it is better. My automatic reaction was switch to Slowking, but then again, Slowbro can go Mega.
BTW: I just want to apologize beforehand for being harsh. And this isn't arguing. It's constructive criticism, which you can use to improve your answer! (although I give you credit for making a long answer)  :P

The point of Slowbro is that he is strongest in Def, which makes him separate and unique from most Water-type walls and,
thus, he is not usually outclassed by other Water-type walls. This makes it a higher tier than Slowking (and the Mega-Evolution too).

Also, (referring to your answer) Slowbro is NOT  a good physical attacker and has a pitiful base stat Attack of 75 compared to the base stat of 100 Sp. Atk. Psyshock clearly is the superior move (even without the flinch). In fact, I would suggest another coverage move, such as Fire Blast to deal with Ferrothorn and other Steel types that completely wall Slowbro (anyways, Slowbro shouldn't even stay in on Ferrothorn) , or even a status move, such as Toxic / Thunder Wave.

Tyranitar really needs Pursuit to Pursuit trap certain Pokemon, but I guess Crunch could work. And also, Stone Edge > Rock Slide because it has more power and a high crit chance, which comes in handy.

I don't know why you would change Heat Wave > Lava Plume. Lava Plume is a good choice for Heatran.

Mega-Sceptile is okay, but I think you should also consider giving the asker a purely Sp. Atk Sweeper set.

EDIT: I meant that the Mega Evolution on Slowbro also gives it a reason why it is better than Slowking.
MechSteelix -

Okay. So I must've been thinking of another Pokémon that wasn't Slowbro at the moment, probably a result of over-studying. And just saying, how in the world is regular Slowbro better than Mega-Slowbro? And with Stone Edge on Tyranitar, whatever. I just prefer Rock Slide because it hits both opponents and has a flinch chance. As with Heat Wave on Heatran instead of Lava Plume, Heat Wave won't take out your other Pokémon like Lava Plume will, and Heat Wave has a base power of 100, 20 higher than Lava Plume. Rock Slide on Sceptile-Mega is simply for coverage. I honestly don't think you read my entire answer. If you did, I wouldn't have to repeat myself.
Thanks for your answer arceus! I should have stated that this is a 6v6 Team, but I will probably sometimes use it in Doubles (altough I already built a Team for that). I changed Sceptile to a fully Special Attacker, 252 Spd and 252 SAtk,  with Leaf Storm / Dragon Pulse / HP Fire / Earthquake or some coverage move like Rock Slide. Interesting suggestion with the Mega, but I really can't switch my Assault Vest from TTar so I can't use DDance or Rock Polish. His moveset is now Pursuit / Stone Edge / Ice Fang / Earthquake.  Since I could get Problems with Mega Venusaur, I thought about running Gliscor as a Swords-Dance set, which would also be another win condition.  Would look something like this -> Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk) 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 Atk , Swords Dance /  Ice Fang / Earthquake / Knock Off,Roost,Protect or run the Toxic Stall set as it is above.  Thanks for all your effort, maybe you have some other suggestions. I can also post the new version of this Team, I guess what I just wrote is hard to overlook.
Oh sorry, I meant that Mega Evolution on Slowbro makes it better than Slowking.

I assumed that this is Singles, so generally Stone Edge outperforms Rock Slide.

Lava Plume is generally preferred on Heatran because it has a better burn chance (30% is a lot and punishes switch-ins)and it has better accuracy. And I'm pretty sure that Heat Wave has a base power of 95% and an accuracy of 90% with 10% burn chance.

And plus, I didn't say that your moveset for Sceptile-Mega was bad. I said that you should also post a moveset for a fully Special Attacker set.

(I don't want to argue here because of what you said in your answer and I don't want to make enemies, but I have to say this):

Quote from you:
 "I honestly don't think you read my entire answer. If you did, I wouldn't have to repeat myself."

This is sorta the same case of what happened when you read my comment (except its a comment, not an answer).
You ignored the first part I said in my comment and took it like an insult.... :(
I was thinking in my VGC 15 mind. He didn't specify, and if they don't specify, I my mind just thinks VGC, not Singles. VGC tends to be a tad more popular.
@Niyko: I think Sceptile should have Protect > Earthquake, but it isn't necessary. It's just used to grant a safe mega-evolution.
If your gonna leave a comment for Niyko about your opinions, either make your own answer, or comment on his question.
His comment just got approved... and he commented about the changes he made on your answer, so I commented here.

And no need to be rude.. sheesh....
Well, hope what answered helped at least a little, Niyko. For the future, just remember to specify what this team is for :)