The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs.
In Generations 2-7, Quilava has a base Friendship value of 70.
Pokédex entries
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
This POKéMON is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes.
Ruby Sapphire
QUILAVA keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This POKéMON applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
This POKéMON is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
It intimidates foes with intense gusts of flames and superheated air. Its quick nimbleness lets it dodge attacks even while scorching an enemy.
Diamond Pearl Platinum
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
This Pokémon is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
Black White Black 2 White 2
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes.
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns stronger as it prepares to fight.
Legends: Arceus
This creature’s fur is most mysterious—it is wholly impervious to the burning touch of flame. Should Quilava turn its back to you, take heed! Such a posture indicates a forthcoming attack.
Quilava learns the following moves via breeding or picnics in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Quilava gen 9 learnset page.