Time for the chaos known as NU Terrakion.
Gen 9 NU Choice Band

Terrakion @ Choice Band
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Iron Head / Quick Attack / Sacred Sword
Because of DLC 2 Quickdrops, Terrakion can be used in Gen 9 NU since it is PUBL at the time of this post. (Use Terrakion while you still can) Terrakion is a very scary Pokemon in NU, with defensive counterplay being almost nonexistent. Choice Band Terrakion basically shreds the tier apart. Powerful STAB moves Stone Edge and Close Combat are dangerous for the tier as almost no Pokemon in the tier resist Rock and Fighting moves. The only ones who do are Palossand and Toxicroak. (Though Toxicroak gets sent to the Earth's core with an Earthquake) Earthquake forms the infamous EdgeQuake combo and is useful for Klefki and Toxicroak. The last slot is honestly a filler move. Iron Head is used to smack Fairy-types such as Sylveon, Florges, and Diancie super effectively, (With Diancie being sent to Mars) though Stone Edge also 2HKOes most Fairy-types. Quick Attack is an option that can pick off faster Pokemon that are weakened. Sacred Sword is an option so Terrakion can break past IronPress Pokemon such as Duraludon. Tera Rock is used so Terrakion can 2HKO Gligar as shown as in this calc:
252 Atk Choice Band Tera Rock Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 200+ Def Eviolite Gligar: 158-188 (47.3 - 56.2%) -- 82.4% chance to 2HKO
So, ummm, yeah. There you have it. Enjoy using Terrakion in NU while you still can!