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If you have a good competitive moveset for Gothitelle, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Gothitelle Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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15 Answers

8 votes

Gothitelle is undoubtedly one of the best back up mons you can ever have. Capable of eliminating much of OU's threats and walls, Gothitelle must be taken seriously, before you happen to lose your Skarmory or Ferrothorn.

Stallbreaker and wallbreaker

Gothitelle @ Choice Specs
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SAtk / 140 Spd / 116 HP
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Hidden Power [Fighting] / Hidden Power [Ground]
- Trick

This set is easily one of the metagame's scariest. It has the ability to trap and kill any one of your opponent's threats. Choice Specs is chosen for the damage output, since the Scarf set is pretty slow, and doesn't get enough KO's. However, a Timid Nature is prefered, allowing you to only need 140 Speed EVs to outspeed Mega Venusaur and Rotom-W who run sufficient EVs tou outspeed Max Speed Azumarill. In case you haven't noticed, this set also outspeeds Max Speed Azumarill, allowing you to always hit before a strong Play Rough or Waterfall reaches you.

It is rather important to run this specific spread. You will always hit MVenu before a crippling Sleep Power, hit Rotom-W before a Volt Switch, and force Azumarill into Aqua Jet. An alternate spread of 36 HP / 252 SAtk / 220 Spd and a Modest Nature produces the same Speed result, with more power. However, Gothitelle's ability to take hits will be hugely noticeable. Additionally, you can substitute some SAtk EVs into it's HP stat, since a Modest Nature will keep its damage output higher than a Timid Nature.

As for the set, it is somewhat similar to a gen 5 trapping set. Psyshock allows you to anything weak or neutral to it for tons of damage, specifically Chansey. Psychic can be used an alternative, as it could hit mons who run Bulk Up (Conkeldurr), but the damage output isn't notably different on mons you should use a Psychic STAB on, bar Chansey. Next is Thunderbolt, being one of your best coverage moves. It allows you to take on Dark types (if HP Fighting isnt your HP of choice) and opposing Gothitelle. Next is you Hidden Power of choice. Fire completely destroys Ferrothorn, whereas Fighting has better coverage, and can hit much more, such as Tyranitar and Heatran for big damage. Lastly, if Heatran is a nuisance and myst be eliminated at all costs, running Ground can guarantee a 2HKO all Heatran variants that aren't Air Balloon. Finally, Trick is your stallbreaking move, allowing you to just mess up any Chansey out there, or screw over Assault Vest mons such as Conk or Azumarill.


Dragonite - Dragonite appreciates what Gothitelle can do for it. She eliminates Skarmory and Ferrothorn for it, while Dragonite can rid of Aegislash and Bisharp for her.

Mega Scizor - The Bulky SD set loves Gothitelle support, having her get rid of Skarm and Ferro, as well as crippling common phazers such as Hippowdon, while Scizor cleans up the game after a +2.

Landorus - All Lando sets (bar Rock Polish sets) detest Keldeo. Gothitelle can do a favor for Lando and rid of Keldeo, whom cannot OHKO Gothitelle (even Specs Hydro Pump cant OHKO, granted you are at full HP and rocks are not on the field), allowing you to Psyshock it to oblivion wing. Landorus then is capable of doing a favor for Gothitelle, and eliminating Aegislash, Tyranitar, Heatran, and Bisharp, whome all threaten and/or wall her.

Bisharp - Gothitelle helps beat bulky Steels whom Bisharp has a slight but of trouble beating, as well as beating Mach Punch users and faster fighting types. Once Gothitelle does her job, Bisharp is free to roam the vast playground known as OU.

2 votes

NatDex AG trapper
Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
- Trick
- Taunt
- Rest
An amazing teammate to Zacian-Crowned, as it can easily eliminate Necrozma-Dusk Mane. Trick a scarf to them. If they don’t use an attacking move, follow up with a taunt. If they do, you can rest off damage, as passive Pokémon it’s meant to trap typically don’t hit you all that hard. PP stall em till they struggle, and get back your Choice Scarf to use later when you can.

You mean this is for Double Battles. Right?
When did I say that?
So in singles you can only bring 1 Pokemon?
1 vote

Gothitelle (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 252 Def / 128 SAtk / 128 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

  • Calm Mind
  • Psyshock
  • Thunderbolt
  • Shadow Ball
1 vote

Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Shadow Tag
Evs: 4 Hp Hp 252 SpA 252 Def
Modest (+ SpA - Atk)
~ Trick
~ Hidden Power Fighting
~ Substitute
~ Psyshock

No description. Kill all that come in your path.

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1 vote

Gothitelle (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Psyshock
  • Thunderbolt
  • Grass Knot / Energy Ball
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
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Mew, I think I've used this before.
1 vote

No more Mega Gengar? Try this guy instead.

Gothitelle@Choice Specs
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 6 SDef
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- HP Ground
- Trick/Energy Ball

Usage Tips:

Gothitelle is designed to trap and dismantle pesky walls and cores that may otherwise destroy your team. Mega Venusaur, Heatran, Rotom Wash, Skarmory and more are 2HKO'd by Gothitelle. Pair him with deadly late game sweepers that benefit the removal of theese walls. Talonflame, Mawile, Azumarill, and more are all great options.

You need to lower the total EVs by 2
1 vote

Gothitelle @ Focus Sash Ability: Shadow Tag EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD Calm Nature - Foul Play - Magic Coat - Mirror Coat - Taunt

Gothitelle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Foul Play
- Magic Coat
- Mirror Coat
- Taunt

Now this is a really unique build for specific team comps. This build is great to counter SP Sweepers, Hazards and/or Stat Boosters.

Foul Play- Something there to fight against Physical Sweepers (couldn't think of another move for this Gothiltelle build) Would prefer to put a SpA Move such as Shadow Ball, Physic/Psyshock, or Thunderbolt

Magic Coat- Prediction is key to this build. This counters Hazards and place it to the enemies team. Some Hazarders usually dont have an attack, and if they do, its usually really weak, and with Taunt and Shadow Tag, they become utterly useless.

Mirror Coat- Switch this Pokemon in when a SpA Sweeper rolls in on the other team. Mirror Coat would catch many players off guard. Then roll in a taunt, and mirror coat away!

Taunt- See above

0 votes

Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SAtk / 158 Def / 100 SDef OR 100 HP
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Trick
- Calm Mind
- Hidden Power [Fighting]/Thunderbolt
- Psychic/Psyshock

This set is specifically made to counter sweepers that need to set up. Gothitelle uses Trick to pass off its Choice Scarf as the other Pokemon uses its set up move. Your opponent is now stuck - unable to switch out but unable to do any damage to you either. Gothitelle can then spam Calm Mind until it's at full, then it can be a devastating force on the offensive. Psychic/Psyshock are pretty much definite - powerful STAB moves with the boosts from Calm Mind - but you could replace the other move slot with Shadow Ball. The reason I don't recommend doing this is because Gothitelle should have a move that can hit Dark types for, at least, neutral damage. With the EVs, since it gets the boost in SDef from Calm Mind you don't really need the SDef EVs, so you can put the 100 into HP instead. However, I recommend it with 100 SDef EVs, just in case you don't get the opportunity to set up with Calm Mind.

0 votes

This is my favorite thing to do on battle spot.

Gothitelle@Choice scarf
Shadow tag
EVs full HP, full defense, rest on SPA
Modest is best
-dark pulse

This is not for sweeping or walling, not for stalling, simply it shall almost guarantee the doom of whoever the opponents first is.

Use trick first, its very likely that the opponent will be holding something, then use torment, now every other turn they are forced to struggle, killing themselves, as long as you stand ground they cant escape. If you want to be ven more evil, protect when they arent struggling. caution: if they go first they have the chance to change the move they get stuck using, beware dark, ghost and bug. Its better to switch to someone else for setup, but if you do the other can switch out too.

My friend refused to play with me if I used gothitelle, because it was "terrifying".

0 votes

Attract + Thunder Wave Trapper set

Gothitelle @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Attract
- Thunder Wave
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

0 votes

Gen 8 AG trapper
Gothitelle (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
- Taunt
- Rest
- Stored Power
Tired of those pesky Defensive Duskmanes stopping your Zacian from sweeping, those Quagsires acting like they don't know what attack boosts are, and those Stupid Chanseys having an eggcellent time shrugging off attacks that hit them specially? You have your solution. Cosmic Power makes it harder to hit. Taunt helps you to pp stall their attacks. Rest is for recover and gets rid of status like Toxic. Stored Power is for attacking when necessary (mons like non-haze quags).

0 votes

National Dex AG

Gothitelle @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 Spe
Bold Nature
- Cosmic Power / Charm
- Taunt
- Rest
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Gothitelle traps and removes defensive Pokemon. Zygarde is a defensive Pokemon that Gothitelle can't beat easily because of tactics like forcing a Rest with Glare and hiding behind a Substitute to avoid Charm. That changes now. Cosmic Power or Charm are used to boost defense(s) and PP stall. Taunt prevents the opponent from using status moves, which lets Gothitelle PP stall with more ease. Rest is recovery. Hidden Power Ice lets Gothitelle beat Zygarde.


Physical Mega Ray appreciates Gothitelle getting rid of Zygarde and Necrozma-Dusk Mane, letting it brainlessly spam Dragon Ascent after they are removed. I only thought about HP Ice Gothitelle because of a Protect Mega Rayquaza set I made which had nothing for both Zygarde and Necrozma-DM.

Zacian-Crowned doesn't do too well against Zygarde and Necrozma-DM, which Gothitelle removes. With that, you no longer need Assurance in the 4th slot, letting Zacian-C run Swords Dance.

0 votes

Gothitelle@Leftovers (Ultra Sun and Moon)
Ability: Shadow Tag/Frisk
EVS: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold (+Defense, -Atk)

  • Psychic/Psyshock
  • Toxic
  • Shadow Ball
  • Taunt/Calm Mind/Protect

This set is for toxic stalling. Psychic/Psyshock for STAB. Shadow Ball for Ghost Types. Taunt to prevent set-up. Calm Mind for the SpD boost. Protect to stall.

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0 votes

Gen 9 Anything Goes

Gothitelle@ Choice Scarf
EVs: 4Hp / 252Def / 252Spe
Ability: Shadow Tag
IVs: Min Atk
Tera Type: Normal / Grass / Poison / Dark
Timid Nature
-Calm Mind
-Stored Power
-Energy Ball / Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Dark Pulse

That is a monstruous combo if you Trick first and get the opposing Pokémon stuck using a status move like entry hazards or stat boosts (Renembering they can't escape because of Shadow Tag unless they are Ghost types), allowing you to spam Calm Mind until you maximize Special Attack and Special Defense. Trick again, recieve the Choice Scarf and spam a 260BP Stored Power with max Special Attack with 343 Speed (In Gen 9 Anything Goes, you can see the opposing team and see if there is a Dark type and may not take the Choice Scarf again.).

Beetween the Tera Types, Normal can be used to trap them if they try to use Ghost moves, Grass is to become immune to powders and spores, Poison is to avoid poisoning and Dark is just for covering the Psychic type's weaknesses.

Don't EV Train SpAtk and SpDef, because they would already be a lot boosted, it woudn't be necessary, Speed is obviously for Tricking first, Defense is for resisting the Physical Attacks.

Finnaly, Energy Ball / Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Dark Pulse is for Dark Types, that are immune to Psychic (Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball aren't the best options, Focus Blast can miss, which is not an problem with the trapped Pokémon, but it's risky against the following ones, Energy Ball is the best option.).

I, myself use this combo and I can guarantee this moveset is is awesome.

Of course there are multiple flaws, for exemple, the opponent attacking or being faster, the opponent is a Ghost Type, Priority Moves, the Pokémon cannot lose its item (For example Ogerpon, Arceus, or Pokémon with Sticky Hold), the Pokémon has an Item that hurts you (Gliscor's Toxic Orb, Ursaluna's Flame Orb, Black Sludge, Assault Vest or a Choice Item (Terastaling into Poison can free you from Toxic Orb and benefit from Black Sludge.).), but all strategies have flaws.

Hope I helped!

–1 vote

Gothitelle @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Confide
- Charm
- Rest
- Heal Pulse
This Gothitelle set is basically made to play with your opponent's sanity.

@Swastik, oh, I see. I don't understand Heal Pulse though.
Yeah heal pulse is questioning. You post good sets for competitive, not for trolling.
Oh ok @Swastik. That still doesn’t stop it from being Taunt Bait. And also Heal Pulse is completely weird.
What do you mean by that? The Pokémon that it traps are Dusk Mane, Zygarde and other Defensive mons that never carry Taunt. Yveltal carries Taunt, and having an attack won't change much. If you wonder why it's ag and Ubers example then because Shadow Tag is banned from lower tiers.
I mean that I am tired and should not be answering/replying to competitive related things XD.