PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Not that we know of so far.

3 Answers

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Best answer

No other types are confirmed. They talk about "sound types" and stuff like that but no other new types are confirmed.


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Yeah, your right... But still, they might come up with sound type in the next generation.
If sound type is made, i bet you pokemon like Exploud will be made sound type. A bit like how Magnamite became part steel.
Sound Type sounds ridiculous to me. There can be a "Sound Pokemon", or sound-related moves, but Nintendo/Game Freak is probably not going to add any more types. Also, if there were sound Pokemon,  what would be it's weaknesses and be super effective to?
Or of course they would make tri-type pokemon... just saying
They should have made Light-type instead of Fairy-type. It would be Dark and Light. :D
1 vote

As of yet, the only new type is the Fairy-type. Since this is the first new type they added in 14 years, there will probably not be another one. I doubt I'm wrong, but it's still possible.

1 vote

Later Gen update:
No, there wasn't a new type out.
Hope it help!

This is such an old question.
I'm just updating