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3 votes

It seems as if people are getting Pokerus substantially more frequently, as well as shinies.

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My luck... is leaving me.
Shinies :O
Won't that be due to Horde battles, as has been stated? Five Pokemon causes for significant changes.
I suppose? But I've seen people get increased rates of Pokerus on non-hoard Pokemon as well, so I'm thinking it does actually have an increased rate rather than just being more frequent due to hoards.
Heard a rumor that they changed the frequency of Shiny encounters in these games. Not sure how true it is, but this would be great news for "completionists". Also, Shinies are registered on the Pokédex, including the number of them encountered.
There is no real way of knowing if the actual chances of encountering have changed at this point; we don't have access to the hidden data in Pokemon X and Y that we did in previous games due to the difficulty in hacking the 3DS (and the game as well.)
Dunno, but I got Pokerus after my ninth day of playing Y. Best day evur
Please don't answer a question that you don't know the answer to.
This is why we're commenting, not answering.
His comment was an answer. I edited it into a comment.
As far as shinies go, they did bring back the Pokeradar.
Although there do seem to be quite a lot of people with Pokerus.
I got mine after 3 days into the game or so. I think it's more common, as I never got it in Black 2 and I got it a month into having my Pearl version game.
i have no idea but i already have a shiny floatzel and exeggcutor, and a sandile with pokerus so yea it does seem to be increased
Pokérus has a 3 in 65,536 chance of being generated on a Pokémon, either wild or bred. same in all verzionz..... itz probability iz = to 1/3 of the chance of encountering a shiny....so very rare.
Do you have any source for this? Are you certain the % haven't changed in Gen 6? Also please stop replacing the s with z. It's just annoying to read.
Please accompany your answer with a reliable source.
And replacing 's' with 'z' is annoying.
It's been about 4 years since Generation 6 started, and nothing has changed on Bulbapedia, so I think it's safe to assume the answer is right.

1 Answer

0 votes

The chances of Pokerus generating on a wild or bred Pokemon is 1 to 21,845 in ALL generations of Pokemon, according to Bulbapedia. However, with the release of the Global Trade Station in generation IV, the chances of a traded Pokemon being infected is slightly higher.

It is common courtesy to infect Pokémon to be traded on the Global Trade Station with Pokérus within some parts of the fandom. Also, a Pokémon's chances of being infected with the virus very slightly increase when a Pokémon has been traded from another game.

This, to answer your question, DOES make Pokerus slightly more common in Generation VI only because of trades. Wild Pokemon and your chances of contracting the virus do NOT change.

Hope this helps!

To be honest, Bulba doesn't have a lot of information on Gen VI yet, not least because it hasn't been hacked until very recently. It also doesn't say that Gen VI's chances of Pokerus are the same under its Gen VI entry, like it does under its Gen V entry.