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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Noivern, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Noivern Pokédex and learnset for reference.



32 Answers

5 votes

Aboose de speed and decent Special attack :D

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- U-turn
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower/Focus Blast

With an excellent base 123 speed and also a respectable base 97 special attack, Noivern seems like a good specs user to me. Specs STAB Draco Meteor isn't going to be taken very nicely by alot of Pokemon, and Hurricane is it's secondary STAB to hit more stuff (> Air Slash cause of more power :D). U-turn is to just run away, and it's a nice option on a choiced user and a choice between Flamethrower or Focus Blast can be made to cover steel types.
Abilitywise, Infiltrator stands out to me, as it now allows Noivern to hit through Substitute, making it an even more effective revengekiller.

ofc KoD, post the best set in the first five minutes or so
Whats a good item other then choice spec?
i know i'm telling 4 years later, but a good item instead of choice specs is life orb
Good I chose flamethrower because he has more chance of success then a good choice
Wouldn't the special attack drop on Draco meteor ruin it?
it would, but after you use it you could just swap out. That resets the stat drop and lets him use a new move when you switch back in, but i just prefer dragon pulse
3 votes

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
- Air Slash/Hurricane
- Flamethrower/Focus Blast

Noivern has the potential to be a superb Revenge Killer. Specs Boomburst, your main weapon against Fairies, is going is going to be deadly to those who don't resist it, and the ability to hit through Substitute is just icing on the cake. Boomburst has so much raw power, it's even more powerful than STAB Dragon Pulse. Speaking of which, Dragon Pulse is there for other Dragon types, but if you prefer more immediate power, go with Draco Meteor. Air Slash and Flamethrower are there to ensure coverage. If you are going to use Noivern on a Rain team, use Hurricane over Air Slash and Focus Blast over Flamethrower. Hurricane's accuracy is too unreliable otherwise, and choosing between Focus Blast/Flamethrower comes down to personal preference. Power vs. Reliability.

In regards to Noivern's ability, Frisk has more general use over Infiltrator. Boomburst allows you to bypass Substitute anyways, bar Ghost type Sub users. The ability to know what the opponent is holding is useful to no end, and makes prediction much easier.

2 votes

Role: Special Sweeper
Gen 6:
Noivern @ White Herb
Ability: Infiltrator
Timid / Modest Nature
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane / Air Slash
- Roost
- Flamethrower

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Why are you maxing out Attack on a special sweeper? Why do you have Modest/Timid with 252 Atk EVs? Why do you have Leech Life? I have so many questions.
Oh lol. I was really tired when I made this moveset, so I probably just forgot to put Sp. In front of attack. And I probably just wasn't thinking about Leech Life.
Personally think choice specs would be a better option than white herb.
1 vote

SCREW LOGIC. Time for Doubles Support Noivern.
(This is for a shiny Noibat I caught in-game ok)

Noivern @ Leftovers
Ability: Telepathy
Impish Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Super Fang
-Taunt / Protect

Yep. That's... about it.

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i'm not sure about 6v6 doubles, but toxic basically doesn't exist in vgc, so i hope it's for 6v6
1 vote

Gen 9 RU

Noivern @ Throat Spray
Ability: Frisk / Infiltrator
Tera: Fire / Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Dragon Pulse / Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Hurricane
- Boomburst

Most people run Choice Specs on Noivern but I like to do it a different way. I like to add Throat Spray, which boost your SpA +1 after using a sound move, and luckily, Noivern gets access to Boomburst which is affected by this. I personally like to use Frisk in order to see the opponents held item, but Infiltrator also you to pass screens (Light Screen/Reflect) and Substitute (But Boomburst bypass Subs so Frisk could be better in certain situations). Fire Tera for STAB in Flamethrower and coverage against 4x Ice weakness and Fairy weakness, or Tera Steel for coverage against all weaknesses. Timid nature to outspeed even more things while dealing pretty good damage. Dragon Pulse is only 85 BP with no additional affect, but doesnt damge you after use, is 100% accurate, and doesnt lower stats. Draco Meteor, though, is a high BP move with lowering your SpA by 2 stages (really only 1 after Throat Spray). Flamethrower for possible STAB in Tera and covers Ice weakness. Hurricane for STAB and even though it misses 30% of the time, it still can confuse and is 110 base power. Finally, we have Boomburst, a base 140 move with 100% which allows Throat Spray to activate and is a good move overall.

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0 votes

Noivern @ Life Orb
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Timid/ Modest
-Air Slash/ Hurricane
-Dragon Pulse/ Draco Meteor
-Roost/ Focus Blast/ Psychic

Nice move pool, great speed and decent sp. atk. Lets roll.

Air Slash/ Hurricane depending on whether you're building a rain team. Dragon Pulse for reliable STAB or Draco Meteor for a the power but you'd be forced to switch out. I would personally go for Roost, but maybe Noivern is a bit too frail to be able to use it, so you might want a coverage move like Focus Blast or Psychic.

Infiltrator would be nice to bypass Screens & Substitute, but Frisk can be useful to no end; it'll give you a quick alert to a choice item, Orb, belt, lefties etc. without you having to take a hit, meaning you can use Noivern as a scout and switch out after the Frisk to something more suitable.

0 votes

Noivern @ Eject Button
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Tailwind
- Moonlight
- Flamethrower

Don't touch me, I am the night!!! Is the only thing I think of when it come to this Nargacuga based Pokemon. It's a set up for Charizard Y. This thing is speed and speed is a good thing being the fastest dragon-type Pokemon, let's make your whole team fast. Eject Button is a great tech for NargaBat you can set up tailwind and either die cause it's glassy or if you live get a free switch into another Pokemon that does well in Sun. Flamethrower is Stab power in sun, Draco Meteor + Free switch means no status drop, moonlight heals in sun 2/3 the amount of hp so great after eject button. This is a great partner for Charizard Y and this set must be used in sun. Night bat blinded by light

0 votes

Noivern @ Expert Belt
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest/Timid Nature
-Air Slash
-Sunny Day
-Solar Beam

Sunny day increase the power Flamethrower which makes Noivern able to deal with most Ice types, it also makes Solar Beam very usable (charging turn is skipped). Air Slash for reliable STAB (it has 95% accuracy, Hurricane only has 70%) especially for taking down Fighting types. Give your Noivern Exper Belt for supereffective boost and he'll will be hitting pretty hard ;D As you will not be using Boomburst I recommend Infiltrator for hitting through screens.

prolly use sunny day for another mon so you could create a sun team. Noivern is very fragile
0 votes

Noivern @ Leftovers enter image description here

Ability: Infiltrator

Nature: Modest

EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP


  • Flamethrower (To take care of the Ice types)
  • Boomburst (So much power...)
  • Hurricane (Deals damage and can cause confusion)
  • Psychic (Deals damage and can lower Sp. Defence)
0 votes



#Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
Ability: Infiltrator
~ 252 Speed EV / 252 Sp Atk / 6 HP

  • Flamethrower
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Boom Burst
  • Dark Pulse

To take advantage of Noiverns amazing speed, it makes for great revenge killer to come in when someone on your team gets KOed, or if you want to get a quick kill. This set has been working very well for me so far, except Dark Pulse hasn't been as useful as l'd like it to be. l didn't find myself using it a lot, looking at other sets posted, Air Slash seems like a decent alternative since it gets you extra coverage and another STAB move.
One thing to note with Noivern is that Boom Burst actually deals more damage than STAB Dragon Pulse so remember to use Boom Burst when attacking neutral resistance Pokemon; Dragon Pulse's main role is to cover Dragon types that switch in on you. (watch for Latias though, he can take the hit)

I really do like this set. The infiltrator helps deal with those annoying opponents who use substitute because they can go straight through and hit the pokemon. i might use the set on my own Noivern. I reckon that u-turn would be more effective over dark pulse because you can escape if you are in an unfavourable position. I might recommend swapping dragon pulse to draco meteor but i'm not very effective for competitive battles. I see why because it lowers the Sp. Attack but more bukly dragons like Salamence and Haxorous might survive and easily KO back due to Noivern's frail defences which is when u-turn comes in handy because it erases the Sp. Attack drop.
0 votes

Noivern (F) @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Infiltrator
Evs: 6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant (+Atk,-Sp.Atk)
- Substitute
- Acrobatics
- Dragon Claw
- Brick Break/Shadow Claw

I know Noivern has a higher base Sp.Atk, but screw it. Substitute protects you from status conditions, unless the foe has Prankster of course, and lets your Liechi Berry activate. Acrobatics is your main move, being STAB & gaining 2 boosts from the Liechi Berry's consumption, while Dragon Claw is a STAB that hits everything but Fairy-types & Steel-types for neutral damage, and also covering your Dragon-type weakness. The choice between Brick Break & Shadow Claw is a tough one. Brick Break hits the Steel-types the resist you STAB moves & covers your Rock-type weakness, but is also resisted by Fairy-types while Ghost-types are totally immune. Shadow Claw on the other hand hits Steel-types for neutral damage & Aegislash super effectively.

6 HP won't do sheet.
@Scraf Then put it in Defense for all I care.
No, 4 HP is fine.
You don't need the extra EVs, it all rounds down.
4 EVs = 1 Extra Point
5-7 EVs = 1 Extra Point
8 EVs = 2 Extra Points
@Scraf I know this, but I just like knowing where those 2 extra Evs are whether they help or not.
0 votes

Ive gone with a sun noivern on one of my teams I would like comments if it needs any improvements :)

Item: Life orb/ expert belt/ lum berry
Ability: Infiltrator
Evs: 252 special attack 252 speed 6 special defence
Modest Nature
Draco Meteor/ Dragon pulse
Solar beam
Super fang

Draco meteor/pulse is obligatory stab cant decide which at the moment, solar beam deals with the plethora of water Pokemon that will definately carry ice beam and the aquatic fairy mouse that decides to switch into you, I have also found that considering I'm using it in a sun team that I dont actually need a flying type stab, as flamethrower by itself boosted by the sun tends to cover a lot more than Air slash such as aegislash, mawile and klefki which can take airslash like nothing plus any pure ice, type grass and bug types sure I miss out on a flinch but I would rather a burn lastly superfang hits anything specially defensive and mostly used if I know they will switch, also reliably hits the pink blobs and snorlax as superfang doesnt rely on your attack power and just cuts the opponants hp in half which also discourages a switch in so they cant lovingly snack on your meteors.

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0 votes

Here is my Noivern:

NoivBurst (Noivern) (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse

Choice specs with Noivern's insane speed make it great. Draco meteor is great for OHKO'ing because the damage is better then dragon pulse. Running Hurricane or Air Slash is dumb, because boomburst outdamages air slash and does less then hurricane, but has way better accuracy and the damage difference is really small. As for type coverage, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Boomburst and Draco Meteor can hit everything neutrally except for Carbink and Diancie. They also hit 385 Pokemon super effectively (not counting abilities). Furthermore, Noivern's excellent speed combined with 100% accuracy boomburst, dark pulse and flamethrower allow Noivern to be one of the best revenge killers there is.

0 votes

personally hate smogon's idea of a good Noivern. So, I decided to spice mine up a bit. Here are two sets I've used and I personally love <3

Noivern @ King's Rock
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse

Self explanatory. This one's just fun to mess around with.

Special Sweeper
Noivern @ Life Orb
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Roost
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse

Hurricane and Draco Meteor? Sure, I guess that could work, but first, its either a low accuracy STAB or a lowing special atk. STAB. I don't like those options. Feel free to replace them though, and to get out of situations replace something with u-turn or something. Really like these more, but hey, hurricane could work for these. roost just gets health back up after the life orb re-coil. gosh, I love this bat dragon thing<333

0 votes

Noivern (M)@ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Nature: Rash (+SpA, -SpD)
-Flamethrower/Focus Blast

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0 votes

Noivern (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Nature: Rash (+SpA, -SpD)
-Draco Meteor
-Focus Blast

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Removed the image in this answer instead of fixing it because it was way too big for an answer.
0 votes

Noivern needs all the power it does can get, since offensive stats are not that good. so, take a look:

Noivern@Life Orb
Trait: infiltrator
EVs: 4hp, 252 spa, 252 spe
Hasty Nature (+ spe - def)


U-Turn (not really designed to do damage, just made to make you switch out damaging the opponent, with noivern's great speed, the only advantage from normal switching out, the +6 priority, isn't anything.)
Draco Meteor (the stat drop doesn't exist with u-turn, plus the life orb... great OHKOer)
Hurricane (better than air slash due to power, plus confusion chance. confusion is better than flinch)
Focus Blast (120 base power move, covers rock and ice types. plus steel. worth the accuracy)

That is how you do use Noivern. Hope I Helped!

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If its offensive stats are not good, why use a dragon fang when life orb exists?
thanks, only saw now. edited
0 votes

Noivern is definitely one of my favorites, both for looks and movepool.

This is how I set my Noivern(s) up:
Ability: Telepathy/ Infiltrator
Telepathy is amazing in double/triple battles, especially if you have a explosion or lava plume ally since it dodges ally moves. Infiltrator will get you past barriers and substitutes, the mold breaker of barriers
Hurricane/ Boomburst
Hurricane is an amazing flying type, hard hitting move with with chance to confuse. Sp Atk 110 pwr and 70 ac. Boomburst is a normal type move that has a lot of power and will hit everything in range. Sp Atk 140 pwr and 100 ac. However I'd prefer hurricane because it can confuse foes, Boomburst is suggested for double+ battles.
Dragon Pulse
A high power move that is pretty handy against other dragon types. Sp Atk 85 pwr 100 ac. I much prefer this over DM since you can keep staying in battle instead of a glass cannon set-up
Focus Blast/ Dark Pulse
Focus blast is a amazing fighting type move for anything with high special attack. Sp Atk 120 pwr 70 ac. Dark pulse is an amazing dark type move with chance to flinch. Sp Atk 80 pwr 100 ac. I like both moves but if your a more power> chance to flinch, there will be a cost to accuracy.
Leech Life/ Flamethrower
Who wouldn't want to both, deal damage, yet regain health. Atk 80 pwr 100 ac. Fire is good vs ice, which is Noiverns kryptonite. Sp Atk 90 pwr 100 ac. This is a choice for weakness coverage or health gain. Both moves are good but if you use Leech Life, I'd use a bug move enhancing item since Noivern is more special attack then attack.

0 votes

One of my favorite dragons, even though it resembles an oversized vampire bat.

4 Sp Def EV's, so Porygon Z always gets a Physical Attack boost from Download. Yeah, I know, a low chance of that specific match, but what do you lose, by doing Sp Def, instead of Def, or HP? Nothing.

Role: Physical Sweeper
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EV's: 252 Atk/4 Sp Def/252 Speed
Item: Power Herb
Ability: Infiltrator
Sky Attack-One turn via Power Herb+Stab
Outrage/Dragon Claw- Power vs Reliable
Acrobatics-Stab+x2 Power with no item
U-turn/Brick Break-Scout/Coverage

Yeah, sure it's atk, isn't as good as special, but it still hits fairly hard, and it's a set people don't see coming.

Obviously, meant to be saved until bulky physical walls and Fairy/Steel types are dealt with, but still a fun set.

Role: Rain Noivern (Special Sweeper)
Nature: Timid
EV's: 252 Sp Atk/4 Sp Def/52 Spe
Flyinum Z (Z-Hurricane)
Dragonium Z (Z-Draco Meteor)
Fightinium Z (Z-Focus Blast)
Choice Specs (Why not?)

Draco Meteor-Stab
Focus Blast/U Turn-Coverage/Scout
Hurricane-Stab+100 acc in Rain
U-Turn/HP Water-Scout/Rain Boosted Coverage

No fire type because Rain Dance is essential with this set. Using a Damp Rock on Drizzle Toad/Pelipper, to have it last longer, paired with Mega Swampert/Scizor to form a solid core.

0 votes

I know that this isn't probably the best moveset or any. I'm just giving what I have and hope you can build from there.

Noivern @ {Dragon Fang/ Silver Powder/Scope Lens }
Ability: Infiltrator
Nature; Mild [+Spec Attk, -Def]
EV; Max Speed and Spec Attk/Attk. Rest in defense
-Shadow Ball/Shadow Claw
-Dragon Claw
-Leech Life
-Sleep Talk/U-turn

Shadow Ball lowers Spec Def doing extra damage next time you hit it/Shadow Claw for easy critical plus stab and extra with nature and better chance for critical with Scope Lens. Mild may lower defense so Noivern fast base speed stat will lay off a strong U-turn [Boosted by Silver Powder] to save itself from extra damage. Dragon Claw
[Boosted by Dragon Fang} will do atleast close to 90 base power and even more if you get critical.

Sleep Talk is for coverage against Bug & Physic types as they tend to have Sleep Powder/Spore or Hypnosis/Sing.

Forgot to add that Infiltrator will hit Pokemon with Protect/Detect or a Substituted Pupitar/Greninja.
