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3 votes

I am curious about the chances and what you have to do to find one besides chaining because I am horrible in chaining. I have found 2 wild shiny Pokemon but I don't think they have hidden abilities so if you can help me, that would be great.

Shiny Pokemon I have found in Pokemon X and Y


I need help and thank you!

No this is a different question that has not been answered yet.

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Haven't even got a shiny yet...
NOOOOO not more obscure questions >.<
Hey! I have a shiny floatzel too! Woah coincidences 0.o
and I found a shiny murkrow :D
and I found a shiny  !
We seriously don't need any more questions like these.
And I found a Shiny Misdreavus.
Im joking.
I havent found a shiny in the Friend Safari.
Or anywhere.
I found 2 shinies, a murkrow and, wait for it... foongus!
1/4096 I think is the rate of a shiny encounter
Your right
Kaname is right however rumours are spreading that the chance in the Friend Safari has increased. :)
they should really announce those things, they know how OCD pokefans are...
They probably don't tell us that for the same reason. :P xD
In order to catch an hidden ability Pokemon, you need the friend safari person to be online at the same time. From there it's all about chance on fiding the correct one. Using a Pokemon with an ability like synchronization will help determine it's ability and save time before catching it and finding it frustratingly...

You can catch shiny Pokemon by chaining them with rods.... You must not move from the spot.. Catch a Pokemon one after the other and when it ses ''failed'' the link gets reset... When your at 20+ you should start to see a shiny... (however) when you do find a shiny, the shiny chaining breaks and starts again.)

From serebii.net, if you breed a Pokemon from another region different to your game with another Pokemon, you will have a higher chance of getting a shiny Pokemon. Colloquially called the Masuda Method after the developer Junichi Masuda, this can increase your chance of breeding a shiny from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 2,048 (Generation 4) or 1,365.3 (Generation 5). Generation 6 figures are unknown at the moment, but to be honest I've heard a lot of people getting shinies so it could have been lowered even more.

It's required that both parents must come from a game with different language. For instance, if your game is in English and both parents are Japanese, the Masuda method will not work
I'd like to know why my ANSWER has 2x flags and edited by Oncoming storm?
Your answers isnt what the askers wants to know so    o3o
fair enough.
Seriously you dont ask these things
another down vote..
Dont answer just comment or you get more downvotes
i really don't care anymore
Thank you Dan
No bother :P

Haribos I edited your answer because your not supposed to answer a question saying "I'd like to know why was my answer was edited" or hidden. If it's edited just leave a comment under the question, or you can write on the user's wall who edited your answer politely asking why your answer was edited. If your answer is hidden you can enquire about it here: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/16349/why-was-my-post-hidden-the-mega-thread Most of the time an answer is edited because of grammer but the reason Star (Oncoming $torm) edited your answer was because it was not relevant to the question.

That's also why I edited your "I'd like to know why my ANSWER has 2x flags and edited by Oncoming storm?" post and your other post"another down vote..." since you should of either commented on the question or wrote on Star's (Oncoming $torm)'s wall. I'm not trying to be the bad guy here I'm just explaining why myself and Star edited your answers. Also if I didn't edit your answer, like Dragneel said you would of most likely received a down vote. Since I've edited the answers the flags for the two answers I edited are really no longer necessary.
I appreciate your comment's back to me but know this….. What is the point….. in answering questions and answers if people down vote/flag/edit/comment and remove your Q&A…. I tried to answer appropriately and I feel that today on Q&A i've been labelled as a laughing stock… By one of your moderators and including a dragneel999 for continuous flagging which led to this 1 up votes, 3 down votes - the down votes were not there as i started answering Q&A               >….<
don't worry about downvotes. the point was just that you shouldn't answer something if you doesnt really know the answer
Im the bad guy here
Swedish laugh
dude ofbannanas, I wrote a long 4 sided paragraph and all day I've had it flagged and downvoted and commented severly. I've had friends here look at my answer and they are honest people... It's definatly linked to the question in answer... It's just people are very finicky and the draneel999 Well, need I say more +_+ sweeidish laugh? .. don't comment bk I cannot be bothered any more.. Seriously I'm not happy with your decision..
But these questions need more accurate answers
These Pokemon are so rare that some trainers haven't seen one till this day! The exact odds of finding a shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8192.  HA depends on the friend safari's owner to be online at the time. The exact chance of a HA has not been determined yet.

Hope I helped.
Please only answer if you know the exact answer and have a reliable source for it. The reason for editing your answer into a comment is so that this question will be in the Unanswered section until the correct answer have been found.
will do.
This question will be here for a while, then, because it takes years for people to find out these things, unless they hack...
I'm not sure of the percent's but I know it is VERY VERY VERY slim.  I've been looking for HA shiny for a few months now and still haven't found it.
Let's see-

1) Most Pokemon have 3 abilities. So 1/3 chance of HA.
2) Chance of finding a shiny is 1/8192 in Friend Safari. 5/8192 in Horde Battles which is 1/1638 (rough calculation).

So if we multiply the denominators we get - ***1/24576*** for Friend Safari and ***1/4914*** for Horde Battles(I'm not so sure about hordes, but I'm sure about Friend Safari)

Hope I helped,
gau222 **;)** .
Pokemon do not have an equal chance of all their abilities for starters.
Additionally, your calculation of 5/8192 in Horde Battles is slightly off. It's not actually done like that, tho the actual percentages vary by very little, but once you get to larger calculations it can cause a large variation.
Wait what? It's 5/8192 in horde battles. I wouldn't use the ruff calc, but yeah.
Also, don't they have an equal chance? o3o besides HA, of course.
No, it isn't 5/8192. For starters the NORMAL chance is 1/4096 not 1/8192
For a horde  battle, It would be 1 - (4095/4096) ^ 5
Why? (4095/4096)^5 is the chance that ALL 5 pokemon aren't shinies. 1 is the total thingmajiggy.
The values you get by punching that into a calculator with 5/4096 is small, but nevertheless is wrong.
May I ask Kawd, where are you getting that info?
Basic maths.
It's like how people first got 5/4096
They just multiplied it by 5 because there were 5 pokemon. Except at least to me this calculation makes more sense
I think you and the person who's friend safari your in have to be online. I know cause I saw one guy, both of them were online, and he got an Overgrow Pansage. Don't know about the horde battle
I don't really know what the actual *rate* of finding a HA *or* a Shiny here is, but I have an idea. The rate of HA's appearing apparently gets higher if the person whose Safari you're in is online at the same time as you are, which can be a problem if you don't personally know the person. I don't think the rate is low enough that HA's would be too big of a problem to find. The rate of Shinies appearing here are apparently greater than in normal gameplay, but I doubt that it's raised enough that looking for Shinies doesn't change from being extremely monotonous. I'm not too sure about Horde Encounters, but I can assure you that looking for HA's this way will be harder, as you can't really tell which one has the HA.

As a side note, when I was looking for HA Quagsire before I knew about the other person having to be online, I caught about 30 of them before I caught a Shiny, which was probably just luck (I wasn't even looking for a Shiny).

Even if all FS Pokémon have two 31-IV stats, trying to find a Shiny, let alone one with a Hidden Ability, for competitive use isn't worth it, as it probably won't have the Nature you're looking for, nor the good IVs for the right stats. If you do happen to find one with perfect stats and abilities, you should probably go buy a lottery ticket. You will also look like a hacker.

Anyways, that's all I can say. Sorry if I couldn't give you an exact number.

1 Answer

4 votes

First, I'm going to establish a few things, which I will refer back to later on.

  1. Your friend has to have beaten the game in order for HA Pokémon to start appearing in his/her friend safari.
  2. Each Pokémon at the Safari has an equal chance of having any of its possible abilities, which means if there's a Pokémon with only one main ability and a hidden ability, the chance it has of having the hidden ability is 50%, and the chance of having the HA is 33% for Pokémon with two main abilities.
  3. Thanks to an experiment performed by MeloettaMelody, we can assume that the chances of a Pokémon having its hidden ability in a horde battle is approximately 4.8%.
  4. The probability of finding a shiny Pokémon without the Shiny Charm is 1/4096. With the charm it is 1/1365.3 Source

Ok, so now that we know these numbers, we can do some math to find out the probability of finding a shiny HA Pokémon in any circumstance.

Method 1: The Friend Safari

The Friend Safari is the most reliable of the two methods, and you will find out why shortly.

Pokémon with 1 other ability
Without Charm: 1/2 1/4096 = 1/8192 or 0.0122%
With Charm: 1/2
1/1365.3 = 1/2730.6 or 0.0366%

Pokémon with 2 other abilities
Without Charm: 1/3 1/4096 = 1/12288 or 0.0081%
With Charm: 1/3
1/1365.3 = 1/4095.9 or 0.0244%

Method 2: Horde Battling

If you're considering doing horde battles for shiny HA Pokémon, I have one thing to say: don't waste your time. Here's why:

Chances of Encountering HA Shiny Pokémon in Horde Battles
Without Charm: 48/1000 1/4096 = 1/85333, which means 1/17067 or 0.0059% when facing 5
With Charm: 48/1000
1/1365.3 = 1/28444, which means 1/5689 or 0.0176% when facing 5

So unfortunately, the chance of finding shiny HA Pokémon is miniscule. The most efficient method to use would be to obtain the Shiny Charm and then go to a Friend Safari where the available Pokémon have only one main ability, but even then, only about one in three thousand Pokémon will be shiny with the HA. Good luck, and I hope you are able to find a Shiny HA Pokémon, even if the odds are against you.

P.S. I will be updating this answer as new information comes in regarding shiny HA Pokémon in the Friend Safari (as I am aware that if your friend is online the chances of HAs, and possibly shinies, increases).
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That's not correct about what you said at the beggining actually. The chance of finding ha in the friend safari is proved not to be the same as finding normal ability pokemon. Someone said this in a previous answer that was turned into a comment.

Sorry about being annoying :P
There actually is some methods tat´s makes it easy to find shinies in FS. And there´s actually many sources that says it´s easier to find shiny pokemon in FS if the player is online