Low Kick does break walls, like heavy steel or rock types, but consider this: When Ambipom is up against walls like ferrothorn and Mandibuzz, it has no way of winning. Ferrothron will live the hit (at max hp) and OHKO Ambipom with gyro ball, along with Iron Barbs. Ambipom cannot touch Mandibuzz whatsoever. Even walls in UU (say, gligar) can stall out Ambipom with toxic stall, even with its eviolite knocked off.
Often times, opponents lead off with Ambipom to get nice damage and to scout, so U-turn is a nice swtich move. Some people do like to carry low kick, all dpends on a team. Double Hit does more damage than return, with technician. Crawdaunt usually carries focus sash or life orb, and a aqua jet or knock off, with adaptablility will most likely kill Ambipom. Wish pass can be easily predicted, and field set ups like stealth rocks or spikes or even toxic spikes can seriously make Ambipom's play time on the field limited a lot. No recovery and being too fragile and limited movepool is reasons why Ambipom is in RU.