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as you can see from my profile here,
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i have a breloom and exploding metagross.
so I was thinking: why not make a breloom metagross combo?
so I was thinking that my breloom would be an evasive life orb user with poison heal, so moves like protect, double team, substitute & some offensive moves like seed bomb and drain punch (sig move) my metagross is something i'm not to picky about as long as it explodes.
i am open to any idea.
also, I am making this team for gen 4, I am also planning on using it for double battles, hence; I might also need two more Pokemon to train.
yours indubitably,

This is ingame?
ya, ingame i suppose, i didn't think of it as an rmt, a bit more like is this good.
What ingame Metagross explodes :o? just teach it EarthQuake and Meteor Mash really :l
Why poison heal if you arent making yourself poisoned, get a toxic orb instead imo
i shall answer all.
@sapp, i have a breloom with toxic orb but i see little point in it due to the fact that bre gets one ohko anyway. life orb lets a bit high to do something with its healing capability, to get it poisoned however, i was hoping somebody will come up with something for me.
@Deemonflygawne, explosions are awesome and if you doubt them for one second you will be eaten by thou-self.
yours indubitably,
Explosion isnt a good move, especially not on metagross who can do so many better things
Exploding Metagross is the new king of banta and epicness. We need more inspirational ideas from loomhigh223555.
Explosion is a good move on certain Pokemon. Metagross is not one of them.
+1 252+ Atk Mega Metagross Explosion vs. 248 HP / 216+ Def Rotom-W: 343-404 (113.2 - 133.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

After a boost from Meteor Mash
If you used this in doubles, explosion would knock out both of your Pokemon, unless breloom had a focus sash or knew protect.
Everything in Doubles has Protect :P
I suggest this
(If metagross is a mega choose another mega)


Life Orb (more power on explosion)

Stealth Rocks
Meteor Mash


Choice Scarf (to survive explosion)/Life orb

Mach punch (for Coice Scarf of sturdy)
Protect/Seed Bomb
Spore (Just beware of Sleep clause)
Power up Punch

And for your Final Teammates I suggest mega absol to wall setups and Chandelure to get the grass types such as Venusuar and Opsing Breloom
Sleep clause doesnt matter ingame, and mega absol and chandelure dont exist in gen 4
Power-Up Punch wasn't in Gen 4 either
Also, what do you mean "choice scarf: to survive explosion"? That makes absolutely no sense. Neither does mach punch and "choice scarf of sturdy"
oh if only i could. some of this i can't do i am afraid, henceforth; i shalt not accept this as a sufficient answer.
Honestly Explosion is not an ideal move for Metagross. Try Earthquake instead.
Actually, explosion is great for metagross. Pre-gen 5, explosion does damage to a pokemon as if the target pokemon had its defense cut in half.
Metagross has better potential for other things though. I dont see explosion is important, metagross can cause more KOs with other moves
Of course metagross can do other things, that's why it has 4 moves! Explosion is a way for a metagross to get a final kill when it has stopped being useful
the main reason i have explosion is because explosions are awesome and that is that.
Awesomeness does not always win battles. We are here to help people win battles. Your question is invalid.
Awesomeness doesn't… but explosions do :D
explosions are part of my religion
Wasn't there a rule somewhere that religiously-natured discussions were not allowed?
"Kaboomism" ascends all laws of man.
And if explosions always win battles, why don't I see Explosion on every competitive Regice?
because some people in this world have a different belief other than torgue and that is acceptable because it is everyone's human right to there opinion.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Alright, I'll give a good core from a competitive point of view. Double Team is very gimmicky and doesn't actually guarantee a miss

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP/ 44 Atk/ 212 SpD
Careful Nature
-Leech Seed
-Focus Punch

I present to you subseedpunch breloom. With leech seed and poison heal, you get a whopping 25% healed per turn! Special defense evs ensure that standard Starmie's surf does not break sub. Forus punch is a good STAB move behind a sub.

Metagross @ Choice Band
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Explosion
- Earthquake/ Trick/ Bullet Punch/ Thunder Punch
This guy hits REALLY hard. Last move depends on coverage/ strategy preference.
Here's a calc: Choice Band 252+ Atk Metagross Explosion vs 252 HP/252 Def+ Tyrantitar: 76.8-90.8%
Great choice of mons by the way. Their typings synergize very well.

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eeeeexelent, the only problem i have w/breloom is that even with exelent evs in defences, it can get one shotted anyway.
but that is an almost perfect team.
yours indubitably,