PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I am playing Pokemon Y, and I got a female aerodactyl but it has pressure and I want one with rock head. And since getting an old amber from smashing rocks is so darn rare I decided to breed until I get one with Rock head.

I have bred Pokemon before and I thought I understood it, the Pokemon must be of the opposite gender and must be in the same egg group . Looking at it on this site tells me Aerodactyl is in the Flying egg group. So I was looking through my Pokemon and I saw I had a male Pidgeotto which is in the flying egg group. But when I ask the person at the day care center they tell me that they don't play with each-other. I also tried a male fletchinder but once again I was told that they don't play with each-other.

Is my game bugging out or am I missing something?

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Is the day care person saying, "The two prefer to play with other Pokémon more than with each other." or, "The two don't really seem to like each other very much."? Look carefully.
Wouldn't it be easier to use an ability capsule?
I did do research before I asked the question. He says that they prefer to play with other pokemon which means that they can't breed.
This is strange. Are you sure your game isn't hacked and you're not playing on an emulator?
I'm not playing on an emulator, (is there even a 3DS emulator out yet?) and I bought this game myself, so unless someone sneaked into my house, stole my game, modified it, and returned it it's not hacked.

I recently caught a ditto which should be able to breed with it, I haven't tried yet though.

2 Answers

1 vote

I have bred Pokemon before and I thought I understood it, the Pokemon must be of the opposite gender and must be in the same egg group . Looking at it on this site tells me Aerodactyl is in the Flying egg group. So I was looking through my Pokemon and I saw I had a male Pidgeotto which is in the flying egg group. But when I ask the person at the day care center they tell me that they don't play with each-other. I also tried a male fletchinder but once again I was told that they don't play with each-other.

So, for clarity, when you talk to the Daycare Man, his response is "They don't seem to like each other much, though..."

This is a normal response for a compatible breeding pair. However, that particular response indicates the lowest possible chance of obtaining an egg, at just a 20% chance each egg cycle. They will eventually produce an egg. It will probably just take a while. If you do want to speed it up, you can continue to swap through compatible partners to find a better compatibility statement from the Daycare Man.

The incompatible response is "They prefer to play with other Pokemon".

More information can be found on Serebii's breeding page. Just note that it was originally written quite a while ago, and has been edited many times. Some of the edits were done better than others.

He said that they prefer to play with other Pokemon.
He said that 10 hours ago in the comments.  I posted this 3 days ago.
But the answer is no longer helping the person with the question. It doesn't need to be here anymore.
0 votes

hmm... well my bulbasaur and snover is in the exact same egg group (grass monster) and aerodactyl and pigeotto is in the same egg group to. so it must be a bug. but as sumwun asked, it depends on what it says. if he said "they dont like each other" they can breed. but just wait. but if he said "the two prefers to play with other Pokemon" it cant breed.
